July 15, 2024

President Biden’s loan baloney, Nancy Pelosi’s Russiagate delusion and more


Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This claim:

“[The student loan bailout] is also helping you who don’t go to college.”

— President Biden, Wednesday

We say: No way, Jack. This is a typical, utterly cynical Biden inversion of reality.

His endless student-loan cancellations — the most recent a staggering $1.2 billion — are fat giveaways to the affluent, a key constituency.

And they come, like so many other Biden handouts, on the backs of average Americans.

So they not only fail to help those who don’t go to college, they hurt them.  

This story:

“I don’t know what [Putin] has on [Trump], but I think it’s probably financial.”

— Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Monday

We say: Still with the Russiagate conspiracy theory, Nancy?

Yet Pelosi’s no dummy; she knows that the phony allegations about Putin blackmailing Trump were cooked up by a cut-rate James Bond at the behest of Hillary Clinton.

That Dems are trotting out this debunked playbook suggests how desperate the coming election has them. 

This tweet:

We say: The only appalling thing here is AOC’s psuedo-feminist gaslighting on an appeal to pro-Hamas lawmakers of both sexes to stop ignoring the terrorists’ weaponization of rape.

This lie:

“Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities.”

— Jim Biden, Wednesday

We say: Sorry, Jim, but he did.

Joe was present, per reports, during a business call about a defunct hospital firm you allegedly bamboozled.

You allegedly planned to cut him in with equity and a board seat.

You handed him $200,000 as a “loan repayment” the same day you got that exact amount from the firm.

Just stop lying while you still can. 

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