Antisemitic hate crimes soar, exposing lunacy of Biden team’s lectures on Islamophobia


The gigantic rise in antisemitic incidents in the city in the aftermath of Oct. 7 shows the absurdity of the Biden administration’s focus on Islamophobia and lecturing about the dangers to both sides.

The 85th anniversary of the Kristallnacht — the “Night of Broken Glass,” the 1938 Nazi pogrom that preceded the Holocaust — is no time to the minimize the horrific Hamas pogrom that took the lives of 1,400 Israelis, including babies and children, along with mass rapes and hostage-taking.

Even before Israel’s righteous response, the terrorists’ horrific assault unleashed a new round of antisemitic assaults on Jews across the city and state.

The NYPD reports that hate crimes jumped 124% last month over October 2022 — driven by a 214% leap in anti-Jewish incidents.

Overall, the city saw 101 hate crimes last month (vs. 45 last October), including 69 anti-Jewish crimes, compared to eight anti-Muslim incidents.

Nationally, FBI chief Christopher Wray told Congress that while Jews make up 2.4% of the US population, they’re the targets in 60% of religion-based hate-crimes — and that’s in normal times.

Yes, some scattered idiots have harassed Muslims (and a few utter idiots have targeted Sikhs), and one deranged man killed a young Palestinian-American child.

But antisemitic violence is plainly a far larger problem; the White House shouldn’t be gaslighting the nation about that central, grim fact.

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