Back Mike Johnson on Ukraine aid because it’s good politics, GOP poll finds


House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is locked in a battle of political wills with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and other isolationist loudmouths over Ukraine aid — but the good news is that the politics of helping Kyiv in its battle against Putin actually look highly favorable for the GOP.

New polls from the American Action Network shared exclusively with The Post show that, in battleground districts, Ukraine aid has powerful backing among general-election voters. 

Some 60% overall favor aid for the brave but embattled Ukrainian forces; even among younger voters that number hits 52%.

Only 34% oppose it overall. 

So a House GOP that helps Ukraine will, in other words, likely be more politically competitive in what’s sure to be a bruising November competition. 

Not that actually winning a wider majority matters to people like Greene, of course. 

But the Purity Test Caucus doesn’t actually hold the cards. 

Among safe-seat GOP voters, there’s also significant support for military and humanitarian aid.

A plurality — 46% — support it when asked about military only or both military and humanitarian aid.

And the broader sentiment around the war is clearly aligned far more with Johnson than with Greene. 

Almost 80% of safe-seat voters, for example, agree that “Russia had no cause and was wrong to invade Ukraine”; 82% agree that “Russia under Vladimir Putin’s rule is an enemy of the United States.”

In other words: Don’t listen to those who recklessly clamor we musn’t send another cent. 

Backing Ukraine is a strategic necessity because Putin’s military adventurism is about far more than just acquiring land.

Mad Vlad wants to redefine geosecurity in Europe and globally. 

If Russia wins, America, our NATO allies and everyone who ever benefited from the postwar trans-Atlantic order loses. 

Turns out the strategically right move of fighting back against that is also just good retail politics.

So get on board and vote with the speaker this week, House GOPers — you can thank us in November. 

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