Ban of WWII kiss picture part of the left’s mad crusade to erase history


The left’s war on history continues apace.

Google AI is making the pope a woman and George Washington black, and schools want to make 1619, not 1776, the birth of a nation, so why not throw out an iconic picture of American victory?

A busybody undersecretary at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, RimaAnn Nelson, declared the famous Aug. 14, 1945 Times Square kiss picture “inappropriate” because the smooch wasn’t consensual, and said it needed to be “promptly” removed from all VA property.

Never mind that Greta Zimmer, the nurse, didn’t have a problem with the photograph, and understood that sailor George Mendonsa was caught up in the joy of Japan’s final surrender when he randomly kissed her.

Zimmer later became friends with Mendonsa and his wife, Rita.

The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Denis R. McDonough, reversed the removal decision — when he found about it.

Which makes you wonder how many woke middle managers are out there in the government declaring what is “appropriate” based on whatever they learned at Oberlin.

The liberal media claims that the “cultural wars” are an invention of the right, and frame every story as “conservatives pounced.”

It is a lie.

Throughout society, progressives are pulling this exact nonsense every day, tearing down statues, emptying museums, erasing history.

As George Orwell warned: “Those who control the past control the future.”

Hooray for pouncing. It’s the only thing stopping their mad crusade.

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