Biden skips NYC cop Jonathan Diller’s wake for fundraiser: Letters


The Issue: President Biden’s Manhattan fundraiser amidst the wake of slain NYPD Det. Jonathan Diller.

After looking at the front cover of Friday’s Post, I have nothing but disgust for President Biden and former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton (“Meanwhile . . . fund fest for Dems in NYC,” March 29).

While these three lowlifes were attending a multimillion-dollar fundraiser for Biden, former President Donald Trump was paying his respects in person to the family of slain Det. Jonathan Diller.

Biden has not once called the family or mentioned the officer’s name.

They must be desperate, since the polls look bad for Biden, and they will try to raise the sinking ship any way they can.

But how much lower can they go?

Warren Goldfein

Mount Arlington, NJ

The difference in the two men seeking the presidency could not be more clear.

Biden didn’t call or go to Det. Diller’s wake because there was no money to be made from it.

He is a heartless, soulless and godless person.

It should be apparent to every person in America, not just New York, that this mayhem and anarchy is their plan, and they won’t stop until this country is completely torn away from its founding values and remade to their communist vision.

We all know, including them, how to stop this lawlessness.

But they do nothing about it.

The only conclusion is they want it to happen.

The death and destruction are just collateral damage.

As Joseph Stalin once said: “One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.”

Rich Nutile

Park Ridge, NJ

One current and two former presidents were in New York to raise funds to further their agenda.

One former president, however, visited to witness the results of that agenda.

J. McGowan

Glen Rock, NJ

There were two Americas on Thursday in New York. President Trump paid his condolences at the wake of hero Det. Diller, the victim of far-left policies championed by Democratic progressives.

At Radio City Music Hall, meanwhile, the Axis of Evil held court with rich, adoring courtiers, planning how to complete the destruction of America as we know it.

Joe Alloy

Wayne, NJ

It is sad to say, but if Det. Diller was black, the threesome of Biden, Obama and Clinton would have made sure to attend Diller’s wake with press and photographers in tow. Despicable.

RIP Det. Diller. God bless all those who protect us daily.

Clayton Rowley

Fairfield, Conn.

Just days after an NYPD officer was shot and killed by a career criminal, the Democrats decided to fundraise by flying in President Biden, Obama and Clinton to Radio City Music Hall.

Meanwhile in New York, people are shoved onto train tracks and shot at in the streets.

Young couples can’t even purchase houses on Long Island any more and are forced to leave entirely — they have no choice.

Do you think voting Democrat in the November election is a wise choice?

Michael Franza

Dallas, Pa.

A former president travels from Florida to attend the wake of Det. Diller at the request of the latter’s family.

The current president was incredibly close to that wake and chose to attend his fundraiser instead.

It speaks volumes of those men.

Thank you, Trump.

Susan Kurz


As the son of a retired NYPD officer and a nephew, uncle, neighbor, friend and godfather of numerous members of law enforcement, I can’t help feeling enraged seeing three presidents grandstanding, celebrating and fundraising while a family wakes and prepares for the burial of an NYPD hero.

Diller’s death is tragic, and should never have occurred.

To blame are the terrible policies of freedom-hating people bent on promoting a grossly false narrative also backed by these three presidents and their supporters.

Thank you, Trump, for showing support for our law enforcement.

Thank you, Det. Diller, for your service to the people of New York— and may you rest in peace.

Steven Cassidy

Franklin Square

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