Cass Report proves gender affirming surgery is a monstrous lie


As ever more science debunks the myth of “gender-affirming care,” how many more American kids will be victimized before our elites admit they made a terrible mistake?

The latest: The Cass Report from the UK’s National Health Service recommends that no one under 18 get hormone drugs and that “great caution” should be exercised with patients under 25.

This, when “experts” over here are still pushing not just hormones but irreversible surgery for kids experiencing gender dysphoria.

Even as a 15-year Dutch study recently confirmed that transgenderism among children is largely a fad.

As Miranda Devine notes, British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass’s 388-page review warns, “Gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations.”

Cass slams the World Professional Association for Transgender Healthcare guidelines for transitioning children as lacking “developmental rigor and transparency.”

Cass also slams health-care practitioners who “abandoned normal clinical approaches” in prescribing puberty blockers to troubled young people; the kids should first get screened for neurological conditions, autism and mental illness.

Her report also debunks the myth that kids denied these treatments will kill themselves.

And warns: “There are few other areas of health care where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behavior. This must stop.”

Ideologues, in other words, are protecting actual Dr. Frankensteins maiming sexually-confused kids.

And New Yorkers are asked to write this madness into the state Constitution.

The Equal Rights Amendment on the November ballot — sold as codifying abortion rights — could strip parents’ rights to veto their kids undergoing transgender surgery or going on puberty blockers.

Wake up, America, especially liberal America: You’ve been sold a disgraceful bill of goods.

Stop obsessing about winning the culture war, let science prevail and do what’s right for the kids.

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