Congress passes aid package to Ukraine: Letters to the Editor


The Issue: The House passing $60 billion in aid to help fund Ukraine’s war against Russia.

It took courage for Johnson to ignore that Sword of Damocles — which Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her far-right colleagues placed over his head — and push through aid to Ukraine (“Nyet, Moscow Marjorie,” April 21).

Johnson tried to tie this national-security aid package to a meaningful border-security measure, but that horse had already left the stable when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer allowed the GOP’s 2023 HR 2 bill to die on the vine in the Senate.

And Johnson was right to reject that bogus Schumer-Lankford immigration bill that merely codified Biden’s open-border catastrophe.

Too bad Johnson didn’t raise a red flag about Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s reckless talk of Ukraine joining NATO.

That’s a formula for escalation that will sink any prospect for a negotiated peace.

James Hyland


Everyone knows that Ukraine has long had a reputation for corruption at the highest levels in its government (“$95.3B foreign aid to Joe desk,” April 24).

The reason why so many Republicans do not support further aid to Ukraine is because Ukraine can’t be trusted.

According to the Biden administration, if Uk­raine doesn’t receive the aid, it could lose the war by the end of the year.

So, since the United States finally agreed to send $60 billion in aid, will this now result in a Ukraine victory by year’s end?

If there’s no victory by then, will Zelensky make further demands for even more billions from the US taxpayers?

Aid to Ukraine should have stopped two years ago. It’s like shoveling sand against the tide, and US taxpayers are still waiting to see whether this so-called investment will ever yield any substantial results.

J. J. Crovatto

Ramsey, NJ

Republican House Speak­er Mike Johnson’s courage in passing aid to Ukraine gives hope this may be a springtime of desperately needed responsible leadership.

If the ancient, former President Donald Trump — a man devoid of moral courage and integrity — fails to make it to the general presidential election, perhaps a Liz Cheney-Mike Johnson ticket should be considered.

Joe Schwarz

Penticton, Canada

Watching Speaker Johnson amazes me. The US border apparently doesn’t matter, but Ukraine’s border does!

All this aid is money that has to be borrowed and put on the taxpayer.

I wonder if anyone will eventually realize that exponential debt hits a brick wall at some point.

With no responsible leadership anywhere to be seen, the future looks bleak. The RINOs are worse than the Democrats, because they pretend to be better when they’re not. It’s sad.

Hopefully, after Russia defeats Ukraine, people will remember all the cash that went down that rabbit hole.

Barry McIntyre

Calgary, Alberta

House Republicans and Democrats dealt a crushing blow to those opposed to aiding Ukraine by a margin of 311-112 last week.

Thank goodness good old-fashioned bipartisanship prevailed.

Ron Spurga


Marjorie Taylor Greene is far from perfect, but she always puts America first and refuses to waste taxpayers’ dollars.

Before you come to the media’s conclusion about her, listen to MTG’s words, always patriotic, wise and America-first.

JR Cummings


Piers Morgan deserves credit for calling out some of the idiotic things Marjorie Taylor Greene has said over the years — and no doubt she’s horribly misinformed (“US House to Russia house,” April 23).

But Mike Johnson sold us all out. Last week’s renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was opposed by many members of his party — including those who secured him the speakership.

Now Johnson has approved sending billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, and it’s unclear how those funds will be held accountable.

James Schwartz

Summit, NJ

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