DA Fani Willis stays on the prosecution against Trump: Letters


The Issue: The ruling allowing District Attorney Fani Willis to prosecute former President Donald Trump.

Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee, overseeing the Georgia election-interference case against former President Donald Trump, declined to directly disqualify Fani Willis (“One of you has to go,” March 16).

However, he ruled that either she or special prosecutor Nathan Wade had to step aside from the case.
Did anyone expect her to be removed? After all, the judge made a political decision. He has an opponent in a Democratic primary in a Democrat-majority district.

He quickly quashed six indictments from the case to show that he’s fair to the defense. And yet his decision on Willis and Wade is like finding two thieves in a bank vault and only hauling one off to jail.
This a clear example that leftists face no accountability. It shows the two-tiered justice system in this country.

Lou Walker

Cape Coral, Fla.

Judge McAfee likely failed to realize that his decision to allow Willis to conditionally remain on the case against Trump will only delay the inevitable.

John Peters

San Antonio, Texas

After the recent judgment in the Willis case, can there be any doubt that the American justice system is totally compromised and nothing more than a joke?

Willis can stay on the case, but only if Nathan Wade goes. And then this travesty of justice against Trump can continue.

Likewise, progressive prosecutors can continue to prosecute Trump for classified documents, even though he was the president. Yet there are no charges against President Biden, even though as vice president he had no right to store classified documents.

Michael Pacer

Kingman, Ariz.

In the state of Georgia’s case against Trump, it is evident that Willis lied under oath. And so did her lover and special-prosecutor hire.

Yet there are still no consequences for these crimes?

Al Dilascia

Chicopee, Mass.

So Willis was not arrested for perjury. Nor was she thrown off the case or disbarred. This is both unbelievable and very believable at the same time. There seems to be no end to the legal double standard.

Carol Meltzer


The Issue: The media controversy over former President Donald Trump’s “bloodbath” comments.

Ever since he uttered the word “bloodbath” on Saturday, former President Donald Trump has seen his campaign team working overtime to clarify what was said (“Don speaks and there’s a ‘bloodbath’,” March 19).

But I’ve learned one thing over the years: Take Trump at his word.

No, Trump didn’t mean rioting in the streets. Yes, he meant economic disaster. No, this is not the position of the Republican Party. Yes, it’s Democratic spin at its worst.

Words matter, Trump. Regardless of whether your “bloodbath” comment was designed to be misinterpreted or not, the effect has been the same. Once again, you are the top topic in the mainstream news.

And in the end, it’s us voters who will decide which presidential candidate ends up in the White House, not the spin doctors who clean up after words have been misspoken.

Denny Freidenrich

Laguna Beach, Calif.

There is nothing quite like major news networks disparaging Trump for using the term “bloodbath” — taking it out of context, then running that misleading report on various Sunday night newscasts.
These outlets are desperately involved in a propaganda campaign that protects the worst president in both my lifetime and theirs: Joe Biden.

Bob Yusko

Valley Cottage

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