Dearborn’s ‘Death to America’ is not a winning slogan: Letters


The Issue: “Death to America” chants heard last week at a pro-Palestine rally in Dearborn, Mich.

Even in America, freedom has its limits (“Death chants at Mich. rally,” April 9).

We are not free to murder without fear of accountability (although New York sometimes appears headed in that direction). Nor should we be free to chant “Death to America.”

Citizens expressing those views should be criminally charged, and noncitizens should be deported. This is not an attack on free speech, but rather a defense against those that promote and encourage harm to the United States.

We need to stop this insane nonsense and enact laws that will protect our country. To allow this kind of dissent to continue is the height of stupidity. We have a right to feel safe in America.

Don Whitman

Cross River

At a recent “Al-Quds Day” rally — the annual protest against Israel, popular in Muslim nations — in Dearborn, Mich., protesters chanted “Death to America.”

My question following this incident is whether the president has alerted the FBI, CIA and any other pertinent agencies about this disgusting fifth column that promotes hatred?

Disagreeing with supporters of Israel is fine, and fits within our almost 250-year-old right to free speech.

But “Death to America” is something else.

I’m not advocating for arrests or indictments, but I am heartily demanding investigations, and a more stringent awareness and absolute vigilance of these people.

Freedom of speech shouldn’t be confused with a suicide pact. At least President Biden denounced the violent rhetoric.

Myron Hecker

Pearl River

How about “Death to Terrorists” instead?

Thomas Birnbaum


Citizens of the United States — who enjoy all the benefits attendant to that privilege — are chanting “Death to America?”

Does anyone in our government realize that the situation in Michigan needs immediate attention?

Robert Mangi

Garden City

The Issue: A man allegedly showing off a captured wolf in a Wyoming bar, shortly before killing it.

Cody Roberts, a Wyoming huntsman, “accidentally” ran over a majestic wolf with his snowmobile, only to parade his “catch” around a bar before killing it (“Guy’s an animal,” April 9).

The wolf had its muzzle taped shut, and was already severely injured. Bringing this poor animal into town is the definition of torment.

I understand that Wyoming is a wildlife outpost and “home of the brave,” and perhaps locals have a different relationship with the wildlife. But people who enjoy hunting and fishing need to treat animals and nature with respect. Roberts’ behavior was not respectful.

Only a “human animal” would behave in such a cruel manner. A truly caring person would not have tormented the wolf in this way if — as his family states — he really has a good heart.

Donna Skjeveland


It takes a certain kind of person to wrestle an injured wolf, tape its mouth shut, then parade it around a bar. I bet animals in the wild don’t act as cruelly as this guy.

Kathryn Ruskin

Boynton Beach, Fla.

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