Democrats bash Texas Gov. Abbott on the migrant crisis: Letters


The Issue: The criticism of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s border policies by Democratic mayors.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is in the maelstrom of this president’s intentional failure to protect the nation’s sovereignty vis-a-vis this well-coordinated invasion of our southern border (“Abbott Has No Choice,” Editorial, Jan. 3).

Instead of lambasting Abbott, our sanctuary city’s Mayor Adams should back up his claim as the new face of the Democratic Party by sending Abbott’s buses to Delaware to give President Biden a much-needed wake-up call.

James Hyland


Reading of the anger at Abbott, I can’t help but think about how Democratic policies are worsening New York.

Abbott is simply trying to do his job, and they’re giving him a hard time.

We have Democrats like Mayor Adams bashing Abbott but not demanding Biden fix the border mess. It’s like they don’t care about the country.

The Democrats keep talking about “coordination,” but it won’t do anything to stop the migrants. We need to stop the surge, but they aren’t asking Biden to do it. On that front, I think Abbott is doing the best he can.

George Markos

Eatontown, NJ

Mayor Adams is accusing Abbott of being inhumane because he is moving illegal migrants from Texas to New York City.

If anything, Abbott should be charging Mayor Adams for providing him with the people he wanted and invited to his sanctuary city. Alongside this, I believe that the cost of moving these migrants from border states should be paid by the officials of all sanctuary cities.

Ron Heimer

Yuma, Ariz.

The immigration problems in New York City are not Abbott’s fault. He is doing the right thing for the people of his state, who have already seen plenty of trouble caused by illegal immigration.

New York City’s problems are Mayor Adams’ fault. All he had to do was to say, “Yes, we are a sanctuary city, but we have reached our limit of illegals.”

This message, given in advance, would stop migrants from coming here to receive free room, board and services.

Shame on you, Mayor Adams — not that you feel shame anyway.

Saul Mishaan


The Issue: The discourse on congestion pricing ahead of the Feb. 13 special election in Long Island.

So congestion pricing — sounds like a good idea right? (“It’s the Fight vs. $15,” Jan. 4).

Well let’s look at the facts, and you can be the judge. Will it deter people from driving to Manhattan? It sounds like a good idea, but it will not keep enough people from driving to the city to make a lasting effect.

New York City is a consumption city, as is the entire state. What does that mean? It is a city and state that has very little to no manufacturing and thus needs to import just about everything from other states by trucks.

I know this from experience since I am the owner of a small trucking company located in Brooklyn.

When people like me have to pay more to import groceries into NYC, the price of everything goes up. The government therefore collects more tax revenue without raising taxes — to the detriment of everyone else.

Isn’t that an ingenious idea? All thanks to our politicians who we put into power to represent us.

Joseph Brusca


The Post has reported a precipitous 17% drop in theater-goers from the suburbs (“ ‘Burbs scared off Broadway,” Jan. 4).

With congestion pricing, expect that distressing number to double or triple across the board for all businesses.

Carl Rosenstein


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