Disinfo pusher Nina Jankowicz is back to tell Americans what to think


Biden administration “disinformation czar” Nina Jankowicz is back — and still out to “protect” the public from facts the left doesn’t like, this time from outside the government.

Jankowicz, you may recall, got tapped to run the “Disinformation Governance Board” in 2022, until that Orwellian agency within the Department of Homeland Security rightly shut down in the face of pushback against a de facto government censorship operation.

It didn’t help that her blatant ideological bias spelled out what the DGB would’ve done: Her public record as a “disinformation expert” includes gleefully pushing the since-debunked conspiracy theory that Russia got former President Donald Trump elected and smearing the Hunter Biden laptop story as disinfo.

But Nina doesn’t care that Americans have no interest in her being the arbiter of truth: She has now co-founded the “American Sunlight Project,” which launched Monday — a nonprofit with the mission to “expose the infrastructure and funding behind the disinformation campaigns that are attempting to undermine American democracy.”

It will do nothing of the sort, and the proof is in the launch announcement, which stubbornly and unbelievably doubles-down on the Russiagate lie.

The nonprofit will also focus on exposing “the campaign against disinformation research” — when that “research” amounts almost exclusively to a pack of Brit and American left-liberal self-appointed “experts” eager to shut down dissent of any kind.

E.g., the “disinfo” crew, in and out of government, has done its best to shut down discussion of China’s role in creating the COVID-19 virus, and also of longtime antiwar advocates who oppose aiding Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

Tellingly, they also try to police “malinformation” — info that’s true but might lead the unwashed into the “wrong” conclusions.

Expect the American Sunlight Project to be another “private” vehicle to bring government pressure to bear against alternative media of all kinds.

E.g., these “experts” will seek to advise New York state on just who should qualify for the “local journalism” tax subsidies just OK’d in Albany, to weigh in on broadcast-license renewals — and to push to squelch ad revenues for online outfits that enable “wrongthink.”

Heck, you can start the countdown now for a “Sunlight Project” report to land warning that Substack, which features hundreds of journalistic efforts across the spectrum, enables far too much free speech.

It’s nice that Jankowicz & Co. don’t have the official power of the US government behind them this time, but that doesn’t make them an ounce less of a pack of would-be Big Brothers.

Fascists are fascists, no matter who’s funding them.

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