Don’t be surprised if Prince Harry tries to wiggle his way back into the royal family


Still facing royal pains

Lady Colin Campbell. Jamaican born, author of assorted royal family books, my longtime friend and a big-time British mouth.

Asked the latest on HRH Harry and his Dumpchess, she said: “Nobody wants to be with them. They already face decreasing finances and are starting to suffer commercially and professionally. Harry’s wanting to return in some manner and has been phoning London trying to wangle his way back in.

“He’s pulling stunts to try and work out coming back over. He’ll even accept some part-time situation. But nobody wants to be with them. She has mixed feelings about that knowing that if he returns even in some slim manner she’ll be stuck in California with the children. Look, he only spent exactly 12 minutes with the king. The populace would actually favor the king severing relations with him.

“He’ll settle for some minor royal duties. But the British populace will rout him. In Jamaica when he came back there, they actually boo’d him. Told him to f -— k off. Nobody there wants them.

“Her performance, her attitude. We know how impressed she is with royalty yet she has actually alienated what might have been her support base.”

Speaking from her castle in London this ladyship says her next book “Meghan and Harry: The Real Story — Persecutors or Victims,” is out in April and “That woman’s playing a wily game. Meanwhile, to wangle his way back, Harry’s returning here again in May to celebrate the Invictus Games.”

Bittersweet tunes

A 30-piece orchestra concert — planned for one year — will celebrate the music, legacy and life of the famous pair Steve and Eydie.

Their Emmy-nominated composer son David Lawrence calls this one-night-only event “A Toast to Steve & Eydie.” It’s at Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall on Monday.

We just lost Steve, 88. His funeral was yesterday. 

Stop this luney obsession

Now, that tipped-over moonlander thing. Asked did I care, I said my care is about our city, state, country, government, planet, Israel, Ukraine.

The moonlander’s on its behind? So’s everything else.

Moon over the moon’s cracks, holes, crevices? Please. Dr. Dan Baker straightened those on my face 20 years ago. I don’t care about that.

How about our cities? Country? Globe?

How about our borders, migrants, thieves, killings, stabbings, lootings, robbers, dope peddlers, jails, food, poverty, prices, rats, vermin, filth, fires, earthquakes, unemployment, infrastructure, crooked pols, climate control, corruption, terrorism, traffic, potholes, bad bicyclists, DAs who think jailing murderers is rude.

Fix the Earth. Stop mooning over the moon!

Certain folk knock the progressives. However, many of those nasty things being said about them aren’t true.

In reality they can be very gentle. Like a pit bull.

I got close to one and in just a week I had him eating out of my arm.

Mainly in New York, kids, mainly in New York.

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