El Paso border rush video shows damage Open Borders Joe has done


It’s the perfect distillation into images of Joe Biden’s border disaster: More than 100 migrants rushing a border fence, with a large group breaking through and knocking down border guards.

The ugly scene took place near crossing hotspot El Paso, Texas — and saw the forces of law and order fighting back against the chaos Biden and Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas have unleashed. 

The worst part: Much of the bum-rushing crew was then reportedly brought across for processing, i.e., unsupervised release into the interior with the vague request to show up for court sometime.

Migrant observing others who have breached the concertina wire on the Rio Grande in El Paso, Texas during a chaotic border storm
More than 100 migrants stormed the border in El Paso, resulting in a chaotic scene. AP

The migrant dashboard for the city of El Paso showed some 743 people either released on parole or to pursue (bogus) asylum claims. 

And this is just a preview of coming attractions. 

Southern border-jumping follows seasonal patterns, surging every spring, when nights are warm enough and days cool enough to make the dangerous trip easier. 

With the influx already quite literally battering down fences now, what can we expect at the peak?

January, the last month for which CBP data have been published, saw the highest number of migrant encounters at the border for any January since Biden came into office; the full spring surge will similarly be the worst in years.

The images also make clear that Texas’ SB4 — allowing state law enforcement to arrest and deport illegals — is beyond necessary; it’s insane that a lower court is frustrating the Supreme Court’s decision to let the law kick in. 

This disorder is what Open Borders Joe wants, and be damned to the average Joes who have to live with it.  

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