Election Period Begins in Suriname
Director of the Ministry of the Interior, Nasier Eskak
Official Election Period Begins
The official election period in Suriname will begin on Tuesday with the inspection of the electoral roll, according to Director of the Ministry of the Interior, Nasier Eskak. The exercise will be held in the Congress, the Congress Hall, a convention center built for the 1999 Caribbean Community (CARICOM) summit. Eskak said the slogan and logo of the elections of 25 May 2025 will also be launched.
Checking the Electoral Roll
Eskak said that in addition to checking the electoral roll online, eligible voters will be able to do so at 344 locations nationwide. The exercise will start with approximately 100 locations, including markets and malls, aiming to reach as many voters as possible so that errors can still be corrected. The exercise will continue until February 12, with the official indicating that changes will no longer be possible after that. The electoral roll now contains more than 401,000 voters.
Calling on Eligible Voters
Eskak is calling on all eligible voters to check their data so that any errors can be corrected. He said this applies to all citizens who have already reached the voting age of 18 or those who will turn 18 on the day of the elections. Only an ID card, driver’s license, or valid passport is required to consult the electoral roll.
Ruling Party’s Election Bid
Meanwhile, the ruling Progressive Reform Party (VHP), headed by President Chandrikapersad Santokhi, says it hopes to win at least 26 of the 51 seats in the National Assembly to govern the country for a second term. In the 2020 general election, the VHP won 20 seats and entered into a coalition with other parties to form the government, thereby defeating the National Democratic Party (NDP) of then-president Desi Bouterse, who died according to an autopsy report on either December 23 or 24 last year from complications of liver failure due to severe liver fibrosis caused by chronic alcohol use.
Government’s Performance
Speaking at a VHP meeting in Nickerie on the northwest coast, executive member Mahinder Jogi defended the coalition government’s performance, saying that despite a huge debt and an empty state treasury, much has been done for the country. Various speakers, including Finance and Planning Minister Stanley Raghoebarsing, said the government has implemented several projects beneficial to the population across the country.
The official election period in Suriname has begun, and eligible voters are being called upon to check their data to ensure accuracy. The ruling Progressive Reform Party is seeking to win at least 26 seats in the National Assembly to govern the country for a second term.
* When does the official election period begin?
+ The official election period begins on Tuesday.
* Where can eligible voters check their data?
+ Eligible voters can check their data online or at 344 locations nationwide.
* What is required to consult the electoral roll?
+ An ID card, driver’s license, or valid passport is required to consult the electoral roll.