Entitled migrants’ shelter snub and American dream: Letters


The Issue: Migrants bemoan the American dream and the $20.8 million Floyd Bennett Field shelter.

Now, illegal migrants are dictating to Adams where they want to stay (“Another busload of migrant families arrives at NYC’s Floyd Bennett Field,” Nov. 13).

Two buses were turned around from Floyd Bennett Field and returned to the Roosevelt Hotel because the migrants didn’t like the locale.

This, while they receive free food, health care and not to mention education. There is an old saying: Beggars can’t be choosers.

Apparently, in this disoriented mayoral administration, that doesn’t mean anything.

Doc Ludemann

Bridgeport, Conn.

The fact that illegal migrants are now rejecting the shelters they are provided with only exposes the hypocrisy. They demand things they are not entitled to.

To their citizens’ detriment, major cities are being crushed under the weight of the financial burden that illegal immigrants have created.

All of this human suffering is happening because President Biden and the Democrats are using these people as political pawns and collateral damage to gain permanent political power. It’s despicable.

Robert DiNardo


Michael Castejon has it all wrong in explaining his reasons for leaving Chicago for his homeland (“Fed-up migrants who trekked thousands of miles to US already heading home: ‘American Dream doesn’t exist’,” Nov. 14).

The American Dream does exist, it’s just corrupted by the people who let Castejon and his family illegally enter our country. Thanks to the Democrats, the American dream has been distorted into a misguided utopia where everyone is equal no matter how little they contribute.

To them, America is a place of entitlement, where everyone gets free things courtesy of their government as long as the Democrats get to stay in power.

Michael D’Auria


Could you ever imagine — even if you were poor and downtrodden — illegally entering any other country and then immediately making demands about where you will and will not live, among other things?

This outrageous sense of entitlement seems to set in the second their feet cross our border.

We taxpaying citizens are being forced to finance and support our own invasion.

Karen Jones

Bear, Del.

The Issue: An NYC subway vigilante’s opening fire on a threatening homeless vagrant.

“Tale of subway ‘savior’ ” (Nov. 10) provided readers with a valuable lesson on how to protect yourself when threatened in the subway by a homeless mugger-to-be: One should pray that there is a person near you with the wherewithal to stop the mugger from hurting you.

The woman threatened by the would-be mugger said she was terrified by both the mugger and the vigilante’s gun.

She said she wishes he tried to help without firing a gun in the station.

This woman’s attitude is just the thing. It will signal to everyone willing to help others they should not do anything to help someone in need.

If you do help, make sure you are able to come up with bail money.

Alan Hirsch

Port Washington

There are consequences when criminals are permitted to commit crimes with impunity.

On Tuesday, the consequence came in the form of a vigilante, who acted to protect a victim but whose gunshots in a crowded subway could have killed or maimed innocents.

Such consequences could be avoided if the Democrats in the state legislature eliminated the no-bail policy and raise the age “reforms” so that criminal behavior could be deterred in the first place.

Marc Kasowitz


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