Ethics rules on Hunter Biden’s art were just a sleazy scam


Maybe it’s only one more little pack of lies in the vast universe of deception shielding Hunter Biden and the whole shady clan, but still: The White House bull about the “ethics rules” governing the First Son’s art sales is astounding in its own right.

All through July 2021, then-Press Secretary Jen Psaki insisted Hunter wouldn’t know who was buying his paintings: “The gallerist will not share information about buyers or prospective buyers, including their identities, with Hunter Biden or the administration,” she announced one day; “We won’t know who they are, so there’s no scenario where they could provide influence,” she said on another.

Now the actual gallerist, Georges Bergès, has testified to Congress that no such rules ever existed — indeed that Hunter insisted back in the previous October (2020) on contract language stating, “gallery will give artist list of names of purchasers of work with prices.”

And Hunter only asked to have that clause removed in September 2021 — after Psaki had spent weeks promising the reverse.

Berges also testified that Hunter in the end knew who bought about two-thirds of his works, including Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, who bought First Son art both before and after the artist’s father (President Biden) awarded her a prestigious appointment.

Hunter also knew Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris bought $875,000 in paintings, though that was the least of Morris’ favors: Hunter’s “sugar brother” also fronted the cash for his $2 million in federal back taxes.

Look: Everyone always knew this was a thin ruse for dumping cash on the president’s son in hopes of winning presidential favor; the White House didn’t even do a coverup so much as a cover-blur.

We hope Psaki is proud of joining the ranks of once-respected figures who prostituted their reputations to enable Hunter’s sleaze.

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