Howard Stern lets President Biden off the hook: Letters to the Editor


The Issue: Howard Stern’s recent softball interview with President Biden.

Howard Stern is attempting to rewrite his own history by becoming “woke,” made apparent in his reverential interview with President Biden (“It’s Howard the cuck,” April 30).

The reason is simple: Stern knows that his past checks off all the “isms” that the woke rail against.
Just watching his past shows, it is clear that Stern was everything the woke dupes hate in a performer. He is afraid that the woke mob will show up at his multiple houses with pitchforks and torches to make him pay for his old anti-woke misdeeds.

Stern doesn’t realize he has given up the gift of freedom of speech now that he has made his money. He himself is now a woke joke.

Ken Reinhard

Sheffield Lake, Ohio

I started listening to Howard when he was on WNBC-AM and kept up straight through Sirius XM Radio.

I stopped listening in 2009. Now seeing his turning on former President Donald Trump and hearing this interview with Biden make me want to vomit. Howard, you are nothing but a shill. Sirius, cut him loose.

Vinny Pezzolla

Monroe Township, NJ

I don’t know which is more alarming: Biden’s appearance on Howard Stern’s show or that Stern (once a shock jock, but now a woke joke) still has a job.

Back in the ’90s, Stern churned out a comedy sketch in which he appeared in blackface and used the n-word.

Where is cancel culture when you need it?

Tommy DeJulio

Delray Beach, Fla.

Howard thinks Biden is a “good father” to the country and his family. That’s laughable.

The country is literally being ravaged by criminals running through the streets, while Marxists are taking over the schools. Stores are vacant, food prices and interest rates are sky-high — and Biden raised a crackhead son who was having sex with his dead brother’s wife.

Howard’s become a real loser.

Sara Gershon


Like many other Stern listeners of yore, I tuned out from “Coward” Stern years ago. Yes, he was hilarious in many sketches, but his inner woke hypocrite has emerged.

Kevin Judge

Naples, Fla.

The Issue: President Biden’s comments during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

The horrible farce of the failed Biden presidency reached a staggering new low during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday (“Indecent exposure,” April 29).

Not only did Biden demean his putative opponent; he outright insulted the press by admitting to The New York Times’ complaint that he avoids the questions of journalists.

Yet the press corps almost universally laughed at this. That means its members do not take their profession, craft and mission seriously.

Freedom of the press is meaningless unless journalists respect their role in our democracy.

Stanley Rubin

Fresh Meadows

Democrats were outraged by former Rep. ­George Santos, yet have protected President Biden by portraying him as a man of decency.

He’s more incompetent than Jimmy Carter and more corrupt than Richard Nixon. No one deserves these historically low approval ratings more than Biden.

Gary Mottola


Kudos to Miranda Devine for her exposé of Biden’s indecency, revealing the ridiculous spectacle of the fawning, sycophantic press at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Michael G. Brautigam

Tallinn, Estonia

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