Jamaal Bowman’s bonkers YouTube shenahigans prove AGAIN he’s not fit to serve in Congress


He’s a deranged socialist goon! A freelance flack for Hamas! A fire-alarm insurrectionist!

And now it turns out — in the most unsurprising development imaginable — that Westchester Rep. Jamaal Bowman seems to be an avid consumer of schizoid YouTube conspiracy theories.

Is there anything the man can’t do?

Jamaal Bowman
Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm at the Capitol. USCP

The Daily Beast dug up Bowman’s personal YouTube account (ID’d based on the account’s use of Bowman’s longtime screen name “Inner Peace” and the fact that it features his image and videos from the school where he served as principal) and called the Squad member out for the loony stuff he subscribes to.  

Like BreakThrough News, a laundry for Russian and Chinese propaganda and viciously antisemitic content (with connections to Maoist millionaire Neville Roy Singham). 

Or Afripost, a staunch fan of Nation of Islam muckamuck Louis Farrakhan. 

Hmmmmmm. Starting to detect a theme here?

Beyond the hateful, there’s also just the bizarre.

Like Video Advice, which shares content like “This CIA Document Literally Explains Time Travel (practical steps included).”

Don’t forget actual channels of disinfo like the Thinkers Forum, a seeming cutout for organs of China’s government.

Jamaal Bowman
Jamaal Bowman pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor over the fire alarm debacle last year.
Anadolu via Getty Images

That account amplifies (for example) conspiracist nonsense assigning blame for the Islamic State concert-hall terror atrocity in Moscow to Ukraine and US intelligence services. 

The Beast’s been on the case about Bowman’s bonkers beliefs for a while, revealing that on his blog in the early aughts, he published a poem about 9/11 reading “2001/Planes used as missiles/Target: The Twin Towers…Later in the day/Building 7/Also Collapsed [sic]/Hmm…/Multiple explosions/Heard before/And during the collapse/Hmm…”

Criticisms of his prosody aside, it’s abundantly clear what Bowman meant.

When that poem surfaced, he tried to pretend he’d somehow moved on (he was in his 30s when he wrote it). 

Now that his YouTube shenanigans have come to light, he’s falling back on Dems’ fave tactic: telling obvious, clumsy lies. 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t know these accounts, and I haven’t watched any of these videos,” he claimed — despite his campaign not denying the page was his and the fact that he was creating playlists as recently as April. 

Of course, he lied about why he pulled that fire alarm, too — and video proved it

Bowman’s been given a pass by his fellow Dems and most of the media so far, so there’s a sad, real chance this BS will fly. 

But we suspect the voters he’s facing in his bruising primary will feel a bit differently. 

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