Janet Yellen pretends Biden’s record is ‘successful,’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman smears Israel and more


Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This praise:

“What I want Americans to see is how successful the president’s agenda [is].”

— Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Wednesday

We say: Please. The last thing Yellen & Co. want is for Americans to recall President Biden’s record — at least, not his real record: runaway prices, migrants overwhelming cities, foreign-policy disaster after disaster . . . A March Fox News poll shows 61% think Biden “mostly failed” on the economy, 63% in making the country safer, 71% on border security and 58% in helping the working class.

So Team Biden gaslights about his “accomplishments” — or more often tries to just talk up the phantom “threat to democracy.” 

This disinfo:

“There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women but they still keep using the lie.” 

— Rep. Jamaal Bowman, in a Nov. 17 video that surfaced Tuesday

We say: Bowman, famous for pulling a fire alarm to halt congressional business (insurrection anyone?), slammed Israel repeatedly, calling it an “apartheid state” and accusing it of “war crimes.”

Sure, on Tuesday, facing a challenge for his congressional seat from Westchester County Exec George Latimer, Bowman partly backtracked, admitting “Hamas committed rape and sexual violence.” By then, of course, the damage was done. 

This charge:

“We have crossed the threshold of intent [to commit genocide].”

— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sunday

We say: Bowman isn’t the only antisemitic Squad member.

When CNN’s Jake Tapper questioned AOC on her claim that the Jewish state is committing genocide, noting the term implies an “intent to destroy,” the Israel-hating socialist doubled down, insisting Jerusalem’s goal is to destroy the Palestinian people.

Hello? Were that true, the Palestinians would be long gone.

In fact, Israeli soldiers keep risking their lives to protect Gazans and ensure they receive aid.

This claim:

“It’s evident what they mean by DEI, right? It means black people. . . . You can’t stand black people.”
MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Wednesday

We say: Reid can’t rebut criticism of the diversity, equity and inclusion movement, which promotes division and anti-white racism by teaching that all whites are oppressors, all blacks oppressed.

Instead, she simply dismisses critics as black-haters.

Sorry, but opposing DEI doesn’t mean you’re racist; plenty of blacks see DEI’s danger. (And to think Reid complained about NBC hiring ex-GOP chair Ronna McDaniel for lying. Buy her a mirror!) 

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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