Joe Biden looks like a loser on the eve of his State of the Union


There’s a creepy video of Joe Biden this week in which he gets right in the face of a reporter who dares ask about his catastrophic poll numbers — and then he flat out lies, as if presidential vehemence can overwhelm the truth. 

The president was about to board Air Force One after another four-day-long weekend at Camp David. 

“What’s your message for Democrats who are concerned about your poll numbers?” he was asked by one of the reporters waiting on the tarmac. 

Biden squinted and frowned before leaning into the lie: “The last five polls you guys don’t report. I’m winning! Five! Five in a row!” 

What’s he been smoking at Camp David? 

On the eve of his State of the Union address Thursday, Biden looks like a loser. 

His kingdom of lies is crumbling. 

Americans belatedly are waking up to the border disaster he inflicted on the country, the rancor and division he stoked, the preposterous wokery he imposed on every corner of the government, the incompetence, the wars, the “Bidenomics” that translated to an empty wallet. 

Almost two-thirds of voters think the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to the latest New York Times-Siena College poll, one of four bad polls over the last week which show the stubborn verdict of the country is locked out on Biden. 

He’s too old, too divisive, the country’s going in the wrong direction and we’re all worse off than we were under Donald Trump. 

Biden’s ‘truth’ 

It’s not the first time he’s gaslit reporters about his horrible poll numbers.

Do Biden’s staff encourage his fantasies by giving him pretend polls showing he’s doing great? 

Maybe his choice of breakfast TV explains his delusional thinking.

Reportedly he just loves MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” 

You can see why from this small sample of host Joe Scarborough’s pungent political analysis this week.

“I undersold [Biden] when I said he was cogent . . . He is better than he has ever been . . . F–k you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second and I’ve known him for years . . . If it weren’t the truth I wouldn’t say it.” 

Let’s call it Joe’s “truth.” 

Meanwhile, in the real world, Biden’s fallen four points behind the dreaded Trump in the NYT-Siena poll, despite all the lawfare and slander Democrats have rained down on the former president’s head. 

While 40% of voters said Trump’s policies had helped them personally, just 18% said the same about Biden.

A Fox News poll found 48% of voters say Biden’s policies have hurt them, while only 32% say the same for Trump’s. 

A CBS News/YouGov poll found almost half (46%) of voters say Trump’s presidency is “good” and “excellent,” while only about one third of voters say the same for Biden. 

Fully 61% of voters say Biden is too old to be an effective leader — and that’s not just a numerical verdict.

He is not a sprightly 81.

He is cognitively and physically falling apart in front of our eyes.

He has not developed wisdom with age. 

If anything, he’s more feckless and disengaged than ever. 

The selfishness of clinging on for a second term is typical Biden, as is the fact that his handpicked DEI vice president offers no release valve. 

It serves the Democrats right.

They rigged things to inflict this historically woeful president on the country and now are hoist with their own petard. 

Biden’s inability to acknowledge fault and accept responsibility means there will be no policy reset Thursday night, just a refurbishing of the old narrative that it’s all Trump’s fault. 

Big bad MAGA!

Democracy is at stake!

Character is on the ballot!

Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it all before. 

Reportedly, Biden plans to offer a “unity” agenda. 


After three years of inciting hatred against white conservatives and pitting Americans against each other for base political advantage, he’s sticking to the story that he’s a unifier? 

Will he apologize for opening the floodgates to the Third World’s worst rapists, murderers, terrorists, con artists and freeloaders? 

Will he apologize to the family of Laken Riley? 

Will he apologize to the horseback Border Patrol agents he falsely accused of whipping Haitian migrants? 

Will he apologize to the families of the 13 US military members killed in his botched Afghanistan withdrawal? 

Coming home to roost 

Will he apologize to the Secret Service agents attacked by his out-of-control German shepherds for months on end? 

Will he apologize for lying about his involvement in his son’s influence peddling schemes, and claiming Hunter’s laptop was a “Russian plant?” 

Of course not. 

Instead, his campaign issued a statement after Trump’s Super Tuesday victory clinched the Republican nomination. 

“Donald Trump Limps Into the General Election as a Wounded, Dangerous and Unpopular Candidate.” 

Trump is only limping and wounded because Biden’s surrogates have been attacking him with lawfare.

And how’s that really working out? 

In Georgia, Fani Willis has descended into farce. 

In New York, Alvin Bragg’s case rests on the word of perjurer and convicted felon Michael Cohen. 

Jack Smith’s classified document case was blown up by the kid glove treatment of Biden’s more egregious mishandling of top secret material. 

And the Supreme Court just put a spoke in the wheel of Smith’s insurrection frame-up. 

E. Jean Carroll is the best they can do.

A nut who says rape is “sexy” and has a cat named “Vagina.” 

It’s an embarrassment. 

They thought they could foist a subpar candidate on America for the second election in a row by crippling Trump legally and ruining him financially.

But the whole lawfare gambit backfired on them. 

The more they piled on the more his poll ratings went up.

Even people who don’t approve of Trump can see the injustice and know that they could be next. 

Biden’s chickens finally are coming home to roost.

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