Joe Biden’s Thanksgiving gaslighting on the economy


The biggest turkey on Thanksgiving was in the White House: President Biden’s campaign released a guide for “responding to crazy MAGA nonsense” for the holidays — which served up a hot platter of its own nonsense.

First on the list was “The economy was better during Trump!” — which Team Biden claims is “wrong,” protesting: “Inflation is the lowest it’s been in two years, the economy is growing, and unemployment has been under 4% for the longest stretch on record.

“Just look at your Thanksgiving costs compared to last year – gas prices: cheaper. Turkey: cheaper. Eggs: cheaper.”

The last thing Democrats should be reminding anyone about is food and gas prices.

The trick here: Comparing prices to last year and inflation to two years ago — that is, on Biden’s watch.

As a refresher: The average cost for a gallon of gas was $2.19 in 2020. It’s a whopping $3.27 in 2023.

And assembling your Thanksgiving feast was 30% more expensive this week than in 2020, per the American Farm Bureau Federation.

It’s beyond pathetic that the Bidenites imagine they can gaslight the public this way — and terribly telling: They’ve got no better ideas than to try deceiving the public (plus all the endless “ultra-MAGA” name-calling and “threats to democracy” thundering).

Americans see the truth every time they fill up their tanks or their fridges.

A recent poll showed that 33% of respondents believed Biden’s policies “hurt the economy a lot,” and 82% said their biggest financial stress was price increases.

Only 14% believed Biden had made them better off.

Because Biden has nothing to offer voters except a lower price on eggs than last year, when overall inflation is still well above the pre-Joe level and mortgage rates are out of sight.

How about actually addressing the nation’s needs, Democrats, and leave the gaslighting to the stovetops this holiday season?

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