John Fetterman’s wife looking to land a book deal amid rumored marital woes


Everyone has a book deal

Sen. John Fetterman’s wife Gisele grabbing news lately — about her sweatshirt-wearing senator husband who refuses to wear a suit, and might they split up.

She got an agent. Looking to do a book about marriage struggles, husband’s stroke challenges and blah, blah, blah.

More books. Me, first to report Cuomo’s ex-assistant, Melissa DeRosa, was writing one. She denied, denied, swore that’s a lie and then . . . BINGO the thing was out for sale.

Even Cuomo-ites aren’t reading it, so she’s actually sent out free copies. One UWS woman who got it sent this literature back marked “return to sender” with a nasty note to Melissa de liar.

Poetry. Sofia Coppola’s doing nifty these days. But: 1979. She wrote this untitled poem — no rhymes — in second grade.

“Sitting in an empty room/Moonlight shining on the rooftop/Not knowing what to do/Sliding my fingers across the tatami mats and dreaming of home where mother calls you by your name/Nowhere to go. What should I do now/Life is getting shorter every day.”

It appeared in California’s Poets in the Schools Anthology.

Wheely big deal

Bill Clinton’s got a motorcycle plus a stationary bike which faces out the garage window of his Chappaqua backyard while he pedals and pumps his heart.

He spends big time in the garage since Hillary newly organized containers and shelves.

And if she’d like to add a free copy of Cuomo’s aide’s book I can arrange it.

Tale of survival & fortune made in USA

Story: Belarus. Jewish family forced into a ghetto. Their captors periodically machine-gunned them to death.

One was marked for murder, but her daughter Rae led a daring escape through a tunnel dug underneath the ghetto and surrounded by electric wire.

In a known Holocaust story, Rae helped prisoners through this escape tunnel, longest of its kind in Nazi-occupied Europe.

It facilitated the biggest escape through a tunnel by Jews: 350 made freedom.

Survivors joined the Bielski partisans group named after those who led them. Their bravery was the subject of 2008’s film “Defiance.”

In the forest, Rae met Yossel Berkowitz, a carpenter. Walking through war-torn Europe, they ended in a displaced person’s camp in Italy for 3 ¹/₂ years.

Rae Kushner had relatives in the United States. Yossel, passed off as Rae’s brother, took their last name.

1949, Rae and Joseph Kushner finally immigrated to America. They had $2.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society housed them until they finally made their home in New Jersey. There Joseph, now gone, built houses for others — and became a millionaire.

The Kushners amassed a billion-dollar fortune and grandson Jared married the daughter of the President of the United States.

A story of the Holocaust. Only in America.

In the words of an old-timer: “Happy for the new inventions like driverless cars and gasless cars,” but: “Be aware. It is not only those inventions that somehow might end up getting recalled by their maker.”

And not only in New York, kids, not only in New York.

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