Jordan Emmanuel Talks Summer House Martha’s Vineyard


A Summer House stunner is speaking on the show’s second season, and fan calls for “justice” for a missing cast member.

Jordan Emmanuel is back on television screens for the sophomore edition of Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard and her band of Black and bougie castmates are back together.

The DJ is opening up (again) and showing her vulnerability for another (fun) summer at the vineyard alongside her castmates Jasmin, Preston, Bria, Summer, Alex, Amir, Shanice, Nick, and Noelle.

Summer House: Martha's Vineyard

Source: Kareem Black / Bravo

Below Jordan discusses Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard season two and a missing cast member that social media is seeking.

BOSSIP: Congratulations on season two of Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard. How are you feeling going into the new season?

I’m feeling good. It’s a season of roller coasters for sure, but I feel like ultimately we left the vineyard closer than ever as a group collectively, for sure.

What was it like going online and seeing all the opinions and think pieces about Summer House?

It was weird. I wasn’t expecting it. I don’t think many of us were expecting it, to be honest. Nick and I were talking about it last night, how we just didn’t think about it and we didn’t think about how people would really be paying attention. I was getting texts from my aunts from North Carolina. I was like, y’all are watching? I didn’t expect that. I don’t know why. When I went into it, I was expecting when you post something on Instagram, and sure people see it, but it’s not this ongoing grand conversation the way that it was on Twitter every week. So, it was a shock to me.

I think a lot of people have a lot of opinions about moments where you were super vulnerable on camera, we even saw you get emotional and cry. Watching that back, what was it like seeing yourself be so emotional on camera?

Yeah. My one thing going into this experience was I have to keep it 1000% me, and that’s exactly what I did. So those moments happened, that’s really what happened. People who got it, got it. People who didn’t, didn’t. You can’t be for everybody. So of course those moments happen again this past summer because living with 10 other people and y’all are going out and having a time and emotions are high every day, all day. Yeah, we’re all bound to have a little breakthrough. I’m not going to say breakdown anymore; [it was a ] breakthrough.

Breakthrough, I like that better.

Yes. So, during this time, I was especially dealing with a lot, my hair was falling out really bad from my alopecia. So you definitely hear me have those conversations and get emotional and vulnerable about that.


Source: Noam Galai / Bravo

Absolutely. Now, you said that you guys grew closer after season one, so I want to talk about the friendship dynamics going into season two. Who did you grow closest with after filming? 

Preston, I would say. Even throughout filming, we got a lot closer. We shared a bathroom and a room in a way. So we developed into what we call hubby and wifey- relationship. Yes. Then Summer and I had been friends before, but obviously she lived in LA, I lived in New York, so we weren’t able to spend as much time together until we went to the vineyard.


So I think one thing viewers will see is that you and Jasmine weren’t as close as you were before. Talk to me about how y’all’s relationship shifted and what contributed to that.


Well, I think Jasmine was going through a lot of life changes. She had just gotten married, her husband was preparing to be deployed, she’s coming into the house, we’re all together. So I think it was a lot happening at once for her. I think in that relationship, she wanted that for everybody else, and sometimes it was superseding how much we wanted that relationship at that time. So I think that really changed our dynamic. I don’t know that I knew how to really get to the bottom of that. So I think we just went through a rough patch.

Summerhouse: Martha's Vineyard: Bria Fleming

Source: Stephanie Diani / Bravo

Now this cast is mostly the same, but some faces are missing including Mariah’s. Many people have been wondering if Mariah was going to come back or pop up, what do you think about those fan comments about missing Mariah? 

Mariah wasn’t there the whole time, but she might pop up. You might see some familiar faces…

So people can calm down with the “justice for Mariah” hashtags…

I also want people to really think that through a little bit deeper. Because it’s not an editing thing, but it’s just realistically, we are there for 17 days filming nonstop. There are so many things that cannot make air simply just from math. You know what I mean? It has nothing to do with production. It has nothing to do with anything. So I just want people to understand that the full story can never be fully there because we just don’t have time to tell it. We love Mariah, period! She was there last night [at the premiere party] twerking some.

Looking back and comparing filming season one and filming season two, which experience was your favorite? Were you more turnt this season or were you more turnt first season?

I was definitely more turnt this season for sure. I was a more chill the first season. Going into the first time, you don’t know what to expect. You don’t know how people are going to act in front of the camera. So I think that was weird the first time around. This time, definitely, we had some great parties. The house was amazing, the pool was amazing…

The house is everything!

The vibe, girl. The house—I can’t lie to you. So yeah, I think y’all will see us have a little bit more turn up and I can’t wait for you to see some of my themed parties that I had.

Let us know what else you’re working on. I know you’re working on alopecia awareness and also a podcast.

Yes. So I am a part of an organization called Women with Voices, and my specific initiatives are coping mechanisms rather, and sexual education and liberation. So obviously with mental health, stress is a huge factor in alopecia. So I definitely wanted to represent and be a part of that community and be a support system for people who also are on that journey like myself. I do have a podcast, it’s called Amplify. I DJ, so I love talking about music with people. To me, it’s a common thread amongst anybody from any background, anywhere. Then you can watch out for my swim line coming out, 844SWIM. I [also] love potatoes, so I have a little potato brand coming out, so keep your eyes peeled. Pun intended; peeled for that.

That is so funny, I love that. Where can we find you, Jordan?

On Instagram I am @Jordy_Jor, same with TikTok. Then Twitter, it’s @ JordyJor.

We’re looking forward to seeing more of this season. Episode one was fire…

Yes! I can’t wait for you to see episode six especially, and you’ll know why.

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