Kamala Harris says she’s ‘ready to serve’: What could be scarier?


Vice President Kamala Harris boasts she’s “ready to serve” as president, claiming that everyone who sees her on the job appreciates her “capacity to lead.”

Be afraid.

Very afraid.

Fine, she was trying to reassure the 86% of Americans (per a new ABC News/Ipsos poll) who see 81-year-old Joe Biden’s diminished mental facilities as problematic.  

Yet the thought of Kamala Harris as commander in chief, and no clear way of moving her aside if Biden stands down, may be the biggest thing keeping him as the Democratic nominee.

She’s is a walking, talking (babbling!) bobblehead.

And the very definition of failure, as her handling of the border shows: “She’s been at best ineffective” on the issue, “and at worst sporadically engaged,” a top ex-Biden aide told Axios.

It was “an opportunity for her, and she didn’t fill the breach.”

As for her “capacity to lead,” consider a few of her pearls of wisdom:

  • It “is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day.”
  • “So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.”
  • “We should always find times to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy, because as you know, it comes in the morning.”

One shudders to imagine her in charge of the nuclear codes.

Harris insisted at least twice that 220 million Americans (two-thirds of the country!) died of COVID and helpfully clarified that “transportation is fundamentally about just making sure that people have the ability to get where they need to go.”

America’s biggest national-security challenge?

“Democracy,” spewed the veep.


OK, she meant the threat to democracy.

But even that’s ludicrous: “Democracy” hasn’t been at serious risk from internal threats since the Civil War.

Surely Russia, China, North Korea, Iran or Islamic terrorists are bigger worries.

It’s no wonder her approval ratings are even worse the Biden’s: An NBC News poll this month found only 28% of voters had a positive view of Harris; Biden’s RealClearPolitics average is 40%.

Truth is, she isn’t fit to be even vice president, let alone top dog.

She’s a key reason no one dares invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Joe.

“Ready to serve”?

Only as a national nightmare.

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