Kate Winslet put on a ‘brave’ fake accent for ‘The Regime’


Kate’s new power hour

Kate Winslet says shove all those Brit accents on TV.

Her new HBO series “The Regime” is about a fake country so she now got to make up her own sounds.

“Freedom to speak the way we chose to speak because, being it’s an imagined European country, I’m hesitant to sound anything like myself. So I got real f - - king brave [which sounded to me like some real Brit speech].”

“The show was originally called ‘The Palace.’ But we’ve had many programs about Britain’s monarchy, so calling it ‘The Palace’ with me in that role and people knowing my real life sound — not good. I had to come up with something else.”

This royalty thing — which wraps her in sexual ways and in which she speaks some Castilian lingo — co-stars Great Britain’s Hugh Grant.

What accent he mumbles, who knows.

However, there’s cause for at least one great thing. Meghan Sparkle’s not in it.

Clarity from a diamond cutter

The Oscars are upon us. And borrowed diamonds are upon the Oscarees. Says West 47th diamond dealer Louie Kestenbaum:

“They’re carbon. Millions of years of pressure turn some rock into a diamond. It’s inside the ground. Seeing the plain rock on a street you’d just kick it away. They’re rarer than rubies, emeralds, sapphires. Hard, shiny, they last a lifetime, don’t break.

“The stones are all over but Africa’s a large supply. Most famous, expensive, priceless is the 105-karat $2 billion Mountain of Light in Queen Elizabeth I’s tiara.

“And you can’t change a natural diamond’s color. They’re yellow, red, purple, blue, pink, green. Who knows what until it’s out of the ground. Color is expensive. Red’s rarer than yellow.”

Worried you ever drop or lose any? He says: “Pull my office carpet and you’ll find a few small ones. I watch the big ones. I lose some small ones. It’s an industry hazard. Make a ring with 500 little diamonds, you lose a few.”

South pawed

Tommy Tuberville. Born in Arkansas, stayed in Cincinnati, works in Washington, lives in Florida, is a senator from Alabama and burped: “Biden enjoyed ice cream in NYC while the rest of the city is afraid of crime and migrants.”

OK, so New York’s homicide rate is under 5 per 100K and Alabama’s is 16 per 100K.

New York has problems, but none greater than Tuberville.

A bad ‘slice’

More problems. A Supreme Court, county of New York lawsuit was just filed by Michael Zanolli’s widow against Famous Original Ray’s Pizza, 49th Street Pizza Corp., Gena Won, MD, Austin Kaidi, MD, Jennine McAuley, NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine.

At Ray’s Pizza in Times Square, adjusting the stool for his seat, the issue is a sharp metal edge on it sliced into and dismembered nearly a third of his left index finger. The dismembered portion was wrapped in ice and midnight he went to NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center Emergency for treatment.

What happened next? Michael Zanolli is no longer with us.

So the guy gives his fiancée a diamond engagement ring. “But I love another,” she says. Cries the fiancé, “Tell me his name.” “No, no, no,” says the woman, “You’re looking for a fight.” Answers the man: “Absolutely not. I just want to sell him this ring.”

For sure only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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