Latest Fani Willis news in the Georgia Trump case shows utter shamelessness


The utter shamelessness of Donald Trump’s political prosecutors really knows zero bounds. 

Now Georgia’s disgraced Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has announced that she rejects the rule of law: She will refuse to testify before the state Senate as it investigates her alleged malfeasance with taxpayer money. 

“I will not appear to anything that is unlawful, and I have not broken the law in any way,” blathered Willis.

Fani Willis
Fani Willis will refuse to testify before the state Senate as it investigates her alleged malfeasance with taxpayer money.  via REUTERS

A new definition of chutzpah: If Willis keeps refusing and dodges the subpoena that’s almost surely forthcoming, she will be breaking the law. 

Willis, you’ll recall, abused her position to hire secret lover Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor in Trump’s Georgia elections case.

Wade, who lacked any experience in RICO prosecutions like the one Willis launched against Trump, was vastly overpaid. 

She seemingly accepted lavish gifts from Wade.

And then, after she got caught, she tried to brazen her way out of the whole sordid affair by stonewalling, screeching and squirming.  

So the state Senate is 100% correct to call her on the carpet. 

Willis was elected to serve the interests of Fulton County’s voters, not her own venal desires, and she must be held fully accountable (especially since a weak-minded judge already let her off the hook once). 

She also had the lamebrain temerity to say, of her own sullen refusal, “I’m sorry folks get pissed off that everybody gets treated evenly.”

Precisely wrong: She’s the one getting special treatment, an elected official close to waltzing after utterly betraying the public’s trust. 

On the other hand, her refusal is revealing. 

Why would someone in her position refuse even to testify before a legislative hearing?

Could be she has something to hide.

But it’s also quite likely she’s afraid of facing abusive procedural treatment due to nasty partisan politics. 

Sure sounds familiar … 

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