Letters to the Editor — April 10, 2024


The Issue: The 4.8 magnitude earthquake that struck New York and New Jersey last Friday.

They say an earthquake is nature dancing, which is why last Friday’s quake left this New Yorker hoping for an encore (“On shaky ground,” April 7).

As my office building sashayed like a drunk ordering another round, I found the experience far too fleeting.

Did our mild tremor have the panache of a California special?

Maybe not.

But what it had was something more dignified. It was like a bullfight, where the matador and beast hug at the end.

Oliver Mosier


What the heck could New Jersey’s Gov. Phil Murphy do after the fact (“NJ Gov. Phil Murphy under fire for not returning to state following historic earthquake that left residents rattled,” April 6)?

It was a small earthquake with little damage.

Should he have overreacted like New York Gov. Hochul?

New Jersey has qualified leadership in the agencies that run the state.

If the damage had been significant, his absence would have notable.

Then he would have been key to coordinating state and federal agencies.

But actual state agencies are run by their heads, not the governor.

Peter Peirano

Ridgewood, NJ

An earthquake last Friday, historical rainfall and flooding in March and a solar eclipse on Monday.

Add on top of it two wars that have been killing thousands.

Could the Rapture be close ahead?

David DiBello


Imagine if the earthquake occurred exactly one week earlier — on Good Friday.

Churches would have been full to bursting on Easter Sunday morning with people who would have all of a sudden started calling themselves lapsed Christians.

James Vespe


Earthquake on the Jersey shore, bridge collapse in Baltimore.

ISIS slaughter from behind the gun, the moon completely blocking out the sun.

Relief workers in Gaza blown away.

What else do I have to say?

From the stunning events of the past two weeks alone, Billy Joel has enough material for a reprise of his hit “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”

Vin Morabito

Scranton, Pa.

The Issue: A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737’s engine cover coming off after takeoff from Denver.

Why is every mishap involving a Boeing airplane always Boeing’s fault (“Things go Boeing on another 737,” April 8)?

These planes are supposed to be operated and maintained by airlines: they are constantly flying. Many of these airplanes are also anywhere from 10 to 15 years old.

If something breaks or falls off, it is more than likely the fault of the airline — not Boeing.

All the mainstream press is doing, I think deliberately, is demeaning and destroying a major US aerospace manufacturer so that Airbus and perhaps China’s new airplanes can gain business.

Samuel Mark

West Hempstead

I have a prediction: If and when the full story on the quality collapse at Boeing is known, the culprit exposed will most likely be DEI.

That is, it will become clear that criteria for hiring and promotion deteriorated to where they were based upon nebulous woke factors other than sensible factors like merit — and excellence.

Hank Taylor

Bryan, Texas

What’s going on with the American airline industry?

Yet another 737 lost its engine cover.

The once-most-reliable form of transportation now seems to be falling apart.

Mindy Rader

New City

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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