Letters to the Editor — Feb. 12, 2024


The Issue: President Biden’s recent gaffes and mistakes that are indications of his mental decline.

Anyone who has followed President Biden over the past year or so has definitely seen the decline in his mental sharpness (“Our Prez Needs an Intervention,” Editorial, Feb. 8).

The gaffes and the mistakes that he seems to make on a daily basis can no longer be overlooked. He never really goes out in public and rarely answers questions from press reporters.

It is sad to see this happen to anyone. But it is extremely serious when it happens to the president of the United States.

Yet, what are our alternatives? People will say that Biden should step down now — but are we really happy with Vice President Kamala Harris running the country?
This country has boxed itself into a corner that won’t change until the next election. Hopefully, things get better. But until then, all we can do is hope.

Jerry Esposito


It is no secret that Biden has dementia.

To anyone who has or had a family member with the disease, it was easy to tell. In fact, we all knew. It really is quite sad.

The blame is on the Democratic machine, and even more so on his family. How can his wife and family put this man through this?

I hate to say it, but it is time that he steps down. I say that begrudgingly because the downside is that we would get Harris as our president.

Bob Robustelli


Former President Donald Trump’s supporters should be careful what they wish for.

If Biden steps down, a more qualified Democratic candidate will emerge and easily beat Trump. Remember, over half the US electorate has said that they wish neither Trump nor Biden were the candidates.

Robert Berk


Biden’s presidency has been a big con on the American people from the beginning.

What is egregious is the number of people in the US government who go along with the big con that he is not suffering from some form of dementia.

Does anyone have a moral compass anymore? Power and greed have corrupted both the Democratic and Republican parties, and every arm of the government. It is long past the time to invoke the 25th amendment on Biden, but they are too afraid to do that — as Harris is highly unqualified for the job.
She is proof that the whole idea of DEI does not work.

Allison Luke

Rockville Centre

Biden has been a liar throughout his career.

His numerous prevarications are out there for everyone to see. Eventually, compulsive liars make mistakes in their retelling of fabricated events, and it becomes clear to those listening that they’re being lied to.

But now that his cognitive abilities are in decline, his hazy storytelling has him repeating stories that are obviously false. Here is the frustrating problem in all of this: No matter how many times this blathering liar relates a story about him speaking with a dead person, the corrupt media and his sycophants in the White House will not expose him.

Rick Cabrera


By now, it is apparent to everyone that sadly, Biden is cognitively compromised.

Wrongly citing leaders with whom he recently met and forgetting the name of Hamas — a designated terror group — is disturbing. The thought that he is the nation’s commander in chief — in control of our military and our nuclear arsenal — is frightening.

If he debates Trump during the 2024 election, I suggest Trump simply ask him to recite the alphabet backward.

I believe Biden’s election campaign would end right then and there.

Yakov Moshe


If you haven’t viewed the 1968 Star Trek episode, “Patterns of Force,” please do so.

It shows the evil men can and will do once a leader is incapacitated and exploited so that a shadow government can assume and maintain control. There is some real food for thought there, even 56 years after it debuted.

Vincent Ruggiero

Scottsdale, Ariz.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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