Letters to the Editor — March 14, 2024


The Issue: Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo denouncing the congestion-price program he signed into law.

I am not a fan of former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, but he’s right this time (“Time to hit the brakes,” Post Opinion, March 13).

A main goal of congestion pricing is to increase ridership on the MTA.

I lived in Manhattan most of my adult life and once used the subway system constantly.


I have not been on a subway in two years.

I used to attend plays, go to different restaurants and attend Parks Department events — all by using the subway system.

Now that I am a senior, I wouldn’t think of going underground and (potentially) never coming up again.

If you think I’m being dramatic, ask all the elderly women who have been tossed to the ground or pushed down the stairs.

Cuomo made a mistake the first time by approving this measure.

Let’s see if he can stop it.

Maria Musolino

Staten Island

Congestion pricing is another cash-grab to pay the salaries of a bloated executive division.

The plan will also skyrocket my cost of living below 59th Street.

It is long past time for the MTA to be privatized.

Donathan Salkaln


Can anyone point to a major MTA project that was completed on time and on budget?

I could not — until this congestion pricing boondoggle.

For this one, everything is in place and ready to be implemented.

What better proof is there that when it comes to a money grab, things get done on a timely basis?

William Fisher


John Samuelsen, head of the Transport Workers Union, has issued a threat to New York politicians who support congestion pricing (“TWU chief in MTA threat,” March 8).

That threat rings hollow. He is merely looking to displace one set of Democrats with another, a useless exercise.

Until New York is returned to a two-party state, politicians will continue to screw over their constituents.

John Mancuso

Naples, Fla.

It’s time for the unions to stop posturing and filing useless lawsuits.

A general strike is needed right now by all.

Just the threat alone will bring Gov. Hochul and the legislature to their knees and defeat their punishing plan.

Carl Rosenstein


The Issue: Mayor Adams’ mandate to pizzerias and bakeries using outdated ovens to curb air pollution.

I read, with much interest, the article on the city requiring the installation of filters for old pizza ovens (“Get set Pie-san,” March 11).

Edward Timber, who works for the city’s Department of Environmental Protection, said that wood-oven smoke is bad for New Yorkers’ health.

I never realized that smoke from pizza ovens was having such a negative effect.

I thought crime was the real problem.

After reading the article I have a question for New York City physicians: How many patients have come to the emergency room complaining of inhaling smoke from a pizza oven?

Given the city’s sudden interest in wood-oven pizzas, I imagine doctors are overwhelmed by the sheer number of people seeking treatment.

If this is really New York’s priority, then the city’s leadership has totally lost its mind.

Mike Klarman

Branford, Conn.

If you are going to ban pizza and bagel shops from using coal and wood then you might as well ban all the outdoor family barbecues that we enjoy during the summer months.

Barbecues require the use of charcoal and wood to fire up the grills, and those emit smoke, too.

I think this policy is total nonsense: This is a waste of the city’s time.

Jimmy Durda

The Bronx

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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