Mayor Eric Adams gives debit cards to NYC migrants: Letters


The Issue: Mayor Adams’ pilot program providing some migrants with up to $10K in pre-paid debit cards.

Somebody pinch me, please. I must be dreaming (“Don’t believe the swipe, NYers,” Post Opinion, Feb. 20).

Mayor Adams is now giving out debit cards to migrants. This program is paid for by me and every other taxpaying New Yorker. My real-estate tax just went up.

The debit cards could potentially be used to buy beer, liquor, soda, cigarettes and whatever else the migrants might want. These cards can likely be used to get cash from bank terminals too.

When will this insanity end?

Kim F. Cody


New Yorkers who own a house, apartment or any type of income-producing property have to pay real-estate taxes. We get no assistance from the city and our costs have been spiraling out of control for years.

So, with that as a backdrop, we are expected to just stand by and let the mayor and his staff concoct an insane policy of handing out debit cards? This migrant situation is going to bankrupt the city.

Frank Caniglia

Sag Harbor

Why does the mayor have to pay a third party to give out money? We already have organizations servicing migrants and the homeless. Couldn’t they give out the debit cards?

By the way, where are the debit cards for New York’s homeless citizens?

This program reeks of corruption. Handing a no-bid contract potentially worth tens of millions to a New Jersey firm should raise suspicions.

Charlie Honadel

Venice, Fla.

The mayor’s debit-card program for migrants, purported to save the city money, is shaping up to be a giveaway of taxpayer money. It requires no ID check and has scant restrictions and little fraud control.

Haste makes waste. The mayor’s administration does not have the skill set to foresee what a boondoggle they have created. The city is about to implode thanks to its sanctuary mindset.

Phil Serpico


This program is just another handout, which will cost the city millions. The New Yorkers who backed Adams are getting what they deserve.

New York has become yet another example of a Democrat-run city transformed into a cesspool.

Frank J. Perry

Morristown, NJ

The Issue: Former President Donald Trump’s failure to denounce Russia’s role in death of political dissident.

So far, former President Donald Trump has failed to condemn Vladimir Putin for the death of Alexei Navalny (“Piling evidence it was Putin,” Feb. 21).

Notably, President Biden, members of Congress on both sides of the aisle and many world leaders have denounced Putin.

Trump has a long history here. At a Michigan campaign rally in 2015, he weighed whether or not he would kill journalists. His appalling comments should have disqualified him from the presidency.

Similarly, when journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in 2018, the CIA concluded that the assassination was ordered by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. A few days later, President Trump released an official statement repeating Saudi propaganda that the crown prince may not have known about the murder.

Clearly, Trump admires dictators and is a threat to truth and democracy both at home and abroad.

Terry Hansen

Milwaukee, Wis.

The West’s knee-jerk response to Navalny’s death is to intensify sanctions against Russia, but this would only breed resentment. Western values are more effectively propagated by promoting a positive perception of the United States. Honey catches more flies than vinegar.

Dwight Sunada

Stanford, Calif.

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