MTA chief Janno Lieber can’t tell you to take your congestion-pricing complaints to Albany


MTA chief Janno Lieber is fed up with locals attacking the whole idea of congestion pricing at the public hearings on how it’ll be implemented.

Boo, hoo. 

“It’s time for all of you in the press to make it clear: This is state law, and we’re just trying to implement it in an effective way.” 

In other words, it doesn’t matter how many complaints, it doesn’t matter how many lawsuits, New York wants this tax, and you’re going to pay it. 

Lieber is eager to start collecting the promised $1 billion a year the tolls are supposed to bring in to fund his money-sucking MTA. 

Rather than doing the hard, necessary work of cracking down on farebeaters (Albany’s judicial “reforms” prevent that) or reining in spending on construction (don’t want to offend those unions!), they want to pick the pockets of New Yorkers. 

And influential ideologues — mass-transit advocates, urban-planning “experts” and the whole “if you say it’s green, I’m for it” crowd — just love slamming drivers, no matter the impact on working stiffs. 

Take it to heart, voters.

These politicians don’t care about you.

They don’t care about your cost of living, don’t care about your lives.

Why do we keep electing them?

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