New York City is still the best — except when it isn’t


Getting a grip on gripes

Over the holiday I need to rest my crankiness. You’re rid of me until Wednesday, Jan. 3. Meanwhile, I temporarily share some of my assorted aggravations:

Affable Eric Adams has difficulty running this city — but do not — not! — throw affection onto Jumaane, who’s so loony lefty he’d make AOC look like an ASS.

Guns we got. Marijuana we got. Recidivism we got. Visible boobs and behinds we got. Gambling we almost got. Are we not great — or what?!

NYC’s always been best of the best. We got the world’s best — the A-No. 1 global best — in Radio City, Yankee Stadium, Statue of Liberty, St. Patrick’s, Cardinal Dolan, Park Avenue, Central Park, Sak’s, Bergdorf’s, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Madison Avenue, Broadway, off-Broadway, Bronx Zoo, Coney Island, Diamond Center, the Met, Rockefeller Rink, Planetarium, Chinatown, Tiffany’s, MoMA, Guggenheim, 42nd Street, Hudson River, East River, 42nd Street Library, NY Post, World Trade Center, Staten Island Ferry, Botanical Garden, Lincoln Center, East Side, West Side, uptown, downtown, Madison Square Garden, Mme. Tussauds, BAM, plus many Hollywood bones walking around. Also: best bagels, steaks, cheesecakes, restaurants, street food.

Town for toughies

A young person’s joke used to be that “We’ve got The Best — unless, of course, you’re evil-minded.”

Well, now we got that, too. Crime, immigrants minus investigations or permits, defecating on streets, homeless peeing on curbs, filth, bicycles knocking down pedestrians, houses of worship desecrated, traffic, no affordability, congestion so you can’t get crosstown unless you were born there, scaffolding everywhere, buildings crumbling. Spitting? Not allowed. Peeing? yeah, sure, fine.

Also, two-legged rich are moving out — while four-legged rats are moving in. Also, in some cases, politicians that are basically unemployed adults. No business, talent, trade or occupation. Say pals of pols: whatthehell — it beats working.

Streets are not safe, shops not safe, homes not safe. Just to add this: My friend, who banks via his cellphone, was just hacked — $18,000.

Also. Giuliani’s in legal, political, financial trouble. But: He was mayor when NYC was its worst — 9/11, squeegee guys, troubles, fears. He cleaned it up. Helped us. Made it well. He made us able to live here again. Doesn’t previous good count for something? Anything? Nothing? I suggest a little understanding, appreciation, ease, kindness, remembrance. Not a monastery. Just memory easing off on him a little.

Look, books!

Forget sending me letters that start “Dear Stupid” — I have those. I’m now going to read my James Patterson, David Baldacci, John Grisham, Harlan Coben, Daniel Silva books — and if you’re in Santa Monica, Calif., check the new Zibby’s Bookshop. There Reese Witherspoon said, “I read more this year. I’ve been going through a marriage transition, and I’ve clung to words about heartbreak and transition.” Jennifer Garner and Judy Blume were there. Maria Shriver’s set to curate there and everyone knows everyone’s name. It’s the literary version of “Cheers.”

Love you. See you Jan. 3.

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