Job Creation a Key Focus for Premier’s Administration
“Job, jobs, jobs has always been our mantra and job creation will forever be pivotal in my Administration’s development strategy,” Premier Brantley stated.
A People-Centered Approach
“This people-centered approach embodies the mantra of this Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM)-led Government – ‘People Matter Most’ – putting our people first and putting their interests foremost on our governance agenda.”
Promoting Entrepreneurial Skills and Economic Growth
The Premier, who is also Minister of Economic Planning and Human Resources, said his Administration will continue to implement policies and programmes that are people-driven and predominantly focused on harnessing the entrepreneurial skills of the people and creating the economic environment that will bolster job creation.
Incentivized Investment and Small Business Programs
One such initiative is the low interest small business seed funding facilitated by the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU). The Premier revealed further assistance to persons desirous of starting or expanding their small businesses announcing a reduction in the interest rates of the SEDU loans.
Partnership with the Private Sector
“We have continuously incentivized the growth and development of the business sector through our programmes for concessions on building materials for the physical expansion of businesses, our concessions on furniture and equipment for small and medium size startup businesses and through our small business lending program operated by the Small Business Development Unit. As it relates to that lending programme, to date we have approved $3.1 million in funding to a total of eighty-one applicants across a variety of sectors namely retail trade, agriculture, food and beverage, transportation, general services and industry.
In conclusion, the Premier’s Administration is committed to creating a people-centered approach to job creation, focusing on incentivized investment and small business programs, and partnering with the private sector to drive economic growth and development.
Q: What is the Premier’s Administration’s approach to job creation?
A: The Premier’s Administration is committed to a people-centered approach, focusing on incentivized investment and small business programs, and partnering with the private sector to drive economic growth and development.
Q: What are some examples of the initiatives being implemented to promote job creation?
A: Examples include the low interest small business seed funding facilitated by the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU), and the small business lending program operated by the Small Business Development Unit.
Q: How does the Premier’s Administration view the role of the private sector in job creation?
A: The Premier’s Administration believes that the private sector must be a key growth partner for future job creation, and that joint public/private sector partnerships are necessary to drive policy and achieve economic growth and development.