NYC Council’s push to bring back Brooklyn Bridge vendors would undo a quality-of-life win


More madness from the City Council: They’re looking to bring the pestiferous vendors back to the Brooklyn Bridge.

The Post last year exposed how illegal vendors clogged up the pedestrian pathways along the bridge, making the walk across crowded, uncomfortable and even dangerous, with at least one case of a pedestrian having to jump from the bridge to the pathway below to avoid being crushed.

The pack of vendors also make it harder for strollers or wheelchairs to proceed, something the oh-so-progressive council seems to be overlooking.

In response, Mayor Adams recently banned vendors from the bridge, allowing New Yorkers and tourists to again enjoy a stroll across without being packed like sardines while vendors abused this public space.

But in New York, no good deed goes unpunished, especially if Adams is behind it.

In December, before the ban even kicked in, Councilwoman Gale Brewer proposed a bill to legalize bridge vendors — a blatant bid to undo a small-but-meaningful quality-of-life win.

Does the council just instinctively oppose anything that improves the lives of regular New Yorkers?

Voting on the bill starts Wednesday: Consider it a test of who its members truly represent.

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