NYC Councilwoman Amanda Farías suddenly sees need for NYPD


“Where are the men calling this out?” asks City Council Majority Leader Amanda Farías, retweeting a council Women’s Caucus’s post on the sick “sucker-punch a woman in the face” TikTok trend that urges victims to contact the NYPD.

That would be the NYPD that Farías (D-Bx.) has pushed to . . . defund, handcuff and shrink.

As a council candidate, she tweeted about the need “to significantly divest from police precincts” and vowed to support “the reduction of NYPD’s operating budget and partnering alongside the community to create real solutions and justice for New Yorkers.”

City Council Majority Leader Amanda Farías shared a post urging women who have been randomly assaulted to contact the NYPD.
City Council Majority Leader Amanda Farías shared a post urging women who have been randomly assaulted to contact the NYPD. Paul Martinka

In office, Farías has followed through on the anti-cop agenda, for example by helping to override Mayor Adams’ veto of the anti-NYPD How Many Stops Act.

Yet now Farías is looking to police for answers — not “violence interrupters” or other “community solutions.”

As for “Where are the men”: Last year, Farías bemoaned the “lack of justice” for Jordan Neely, the violent homeless man accidentally killed when Daniel Penny stepped up to protect other straphangers.

Penny still faces charges in that case, thanks to such political pressure — a prosecution that’s sure to make other men hesitate when they see some goon assaulting a woman on the street or the subway.

The “alarming trend in violence against women” is indeed “reprehensible,” as the Women’s Caucus tweets.

But if Farías and her fellow progressives want to reverse that trend, they can start by reversing everything they’ve done to undermine the law-enforcers and empower the law-breakers.

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