NYC migrants won’t get help from NJ Gov. Phil Murphy, despite his lip service


“The America I know is the poem” by Emma Lazarus; “we open up for all to come here,” preened then-candidate Phil Murphy in 2017, recalling the poet’s “Give me your tired, your poor” lines about welcoming migrants.

How big-hearted he was — back then.

Today? As newcomers flood the southern border in response to President Biden’s “invitación,” now-New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy wants nothing to do with them.

The buses have dumped hundreds of new arrivals at transit stations in Secaucus, Fanwood, Edison and Trenton, where they catch trains to the city, circumventing Mayor Adams’ rule requiring 32 hours notice and limiting drop-off hours to weekday mornings.

Adams imposed the rule to slow the waves on newcomers he says are destroying the city; 162,000 have already poured in, leading him to threaten severe budget cuts.

Murphy’s crew acknowledges buses dropping off migrants at Garden State train stations, yet the gov seems only too happy to send them merrily on their way — to New York.

Nary a word about Jersey offering to take some itself. Better to have someone else worry about them.

Truth is, Murphy couldn’t have been clearer a few months back about opposing migrants in his state:

“I don’t see any scenario” for a migrant program, he declared. The state can’t afford it.

Like Murphy, holier-than-thou Democrats across the country pull at the heartstrings, noting the miserable conditions migrants leave behind.

They insist America let in everyone who wants to come here.

That is, as long as they and their constituents don’t have to shell out big bucks to accommodate them.

Heck, Dems won’t even stand up for party mates like Adams and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, who (after the border states, which largely lean Republican) are bearing the brunt of Biden’s disastrous border policies.

Instead, they pray they won’t be the next victims.

And next to none of them is willing to call on President Biden to actually enforce US law and quit waving the migrants in.

Alas, Democrats would rather preen — while passing the buck.

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