NYC needs pols to fight drugs, not demand Ozempic warning labels


A sinister new scourge is plaguing New York City: popular weight-loss miracle drugs like Ozempic!

At least, that’s how Manhattan Council Member Julie Menin views it. 

She wants a law warning Gothamites about such drugs’ bad side effects when used for weight loss. 

Those are real, and include nausea and vomiting. 

But come on, Julie: This is the Big Apple! 

Where the local health authorities tell junkies to shoot up heroin with pride. 

Where the use of the flesh-rotting drug tranq enjoys equal blessing from the hard leftists in charge of health policy. 

Where “safe” injection sites (news flash: there’s no such thing) spring up like mushrooms. 

Where fentanyl kills and kills and kills. 

And where the overall crime picture, especially underground, remains grim thanks to pro-thug policies backed by progressives city- and statewide. 

In other words, lefty Dems are positively giddy at the chance to encourage New Yorkers to use illegal drugs that will 100% kill them (after turning them into figures out of The Walking Dead first). 

Squeamishness around Ozempic seems a little besides the point. 

But let’s follow this plan to its logical telos. 

If Ozempic needs a warning label, how about a series of subway ads showing necrotic tranq sores? 

Menin already backed a council bill to scare kids off buying weed from unlicensed shops on the grounds it could be tainted; how about one imposing ultra-clear warning labels about the long-term mental-health side effects of smoking even clean weed?

How about real political pressure on President Biden to fix the border and choke off the supply of fentanyl that’s killing the very people progressives claim to be so worried about?

When Dems back policies like that, voters will know they’re truly getting serious about protecting public health. 

Otherwise it’s just yet more deadly leftist blather. 

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