Pols who let lunatic protesters tie up the nation’s traffic are as bad as them


America is plagued with some truly disturbed people who think they have the right to screw fellow citizens by tying up the nation’s traffic — and, even more inexcusably, to defend Middle East butchers and lob antisemitic smears against Israel.

Worse? The political leaders who let them get away with it.

On Monday, barely a day after the terrorist state of Iran launched a dangerously escalatory attack on the Jewish state, anti-Israel goons wreaked havoc at the Brooklyn Bridge in Lower Manhattan, California’s Golden Gate Bridge, Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, as well as Seattle, Philadelphia and elsewhere.

How many people missed a flight, couldn’t get a doctor’s appointment or were delayed to some other critical event because of their selfishness?

Their supposed goal (besides making themselves feel virtuous): to pressure Team Biden to end support for Israel.

The idea, of course, that imposing misery on fellow Americans can accomplish that is as bat-crazy as their support for the terrorists.

Make no mistake: Many of these rabble-rousers were openly backing Iran and its terrorist pawns, Hezbollah and Hamas.  

They shouted, “We love Hezbollah,” and waved the group’s banner. The same Hezbollah, that is, that launches rockets into civilian neighborhoods in northern Israel.

They wore bandanas supporting Hamas. The same savages who raped, butchered and kidnapped innocent civilians in Israel and who promote the deaths of fellow Palestinians and then blame the Jewish state for it.

“Hands off Iran,” protesters reportedly warned. The same Iran that murders women for wearing hijabs incorrectly, represses dissent and promotes war throughout the Middle East.

(The biggest head-scratcher: supposedly “anti-war” protesters who praised Iran’s attack on Israel, even though it could trigger a massive region-wide . . . war.)

They burned the American flag — a right granted to them by the very country they despise (besides Israel). Try burning Iran’s flag in Iran.

Sure, every country has its sickos, yet America’s leaders simply tolerate the enormous pain these lunatics inflict on others with their antics.

Recall they’ve been pulling stunts like this ever since Oct. 7.

And, no, this blocking roadways is not permissible free speech.

True, some do get arrested. But many are instantly released and suffer virtually no consequences.

The slaps-on-the-wrist ensure more intense pain down the road.

Until America’s leaders crack down for real once and for all — imposing hefty fines and prison sentences   — sane Americans will continue to suffer.

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