Remnants of ‘Nazi Town, USA’ still looms among us in Long Island — just a stone’s throw from a synagogue


The Nazis among us

Pay attention.

Exists a Long Island Suffolk County town — maybe 10 minutes from the Hamptons synagogue — that was once called NAZI TOWN USA! even lists its now-renamed “Adolf Hitler Street.” Also streets named for Goebbels and Göring — both of whom committed suicide, Göring just in advance of his Nuremberg death sentence.

Documents in Yaphank, LI, detail this wooded lakefront town. Penn Station’s weekend summer train went direct to Yaphank. 

A PBS doc also exists, airing on “American Experience,” called “Nazi Town, USA.”

There were 15 such German-American summer camps. Little towheads stood at attention as the Bund flag was lowered. Children learned about goose-stepping, Nazi ideology, hatred of Jews.

Who can believe our government still allows such a place to exist?! It’s 50ish families in German Gardens.

In the ’30s it was Nazi-filled Camp Siegfried. It was Hitler-loving German owners. A pro Nazi ­German-American bund flourished there. Children learned about “the master race.” A phrase once attached to it had been: “A white neighborhood stays white.”


Research tells us years back the German American Settlement League, which owns this neighborhood, was sued. They now disavow German-only, but still own all the land.

Anybody mentioned this to ex-Gov. Cuomo? Or Gov. Kathy Hochul? Or anybody?


Snoop Dogg — birth name probably Growl Gator — has a movie out about a football player who coaches a Pee Wee division. Title: “The UnderDoggs.”

Snoop said: “My character’s flamboyant, a winner and an a - - hole. Seeing his old neighborhood he taps into who he really is.”

Wow. Yeah. Right. Charming film. The Catholic Digest gives it four poops. 

Killing time

Holly Madison on Playboy magazine’s porn in “The Playboy Murders” second TV season. Peter Bogdanovich’s girlfriend Dorothy Stratten — enacted in films by Jamie Lee Curtis and Mariel Hemingway — was killed 1980.

Holly is host and executive producer “because some were people I knew. The show involves murders. Victims but sometime even perpetrators. Playboy was the kind of magazine people kept under the bed.”

Nice. Sweet.

All teed up

For something else for a change, enjoy chef Daniel Boulud’s new East 63rd restaurant Cafe Boulud. And book early. 6:30 p.m. every table was already taken with well-dressed diners — not shloompy tees.

And a not sweet word about the Boston Globe. Bill O’Reilly wrote they “no longer print honest information.” He’s right. I once reported Boston’s stadium Fenway served me BEIGE hot dogs. They looked like a dog dropped them. The Globe then did a whole editorial against me and said I was no longer welcome in their town.

Hey, they needn’t worry.

I’m sure that come Election Day, Biden & Co. will throw a lavish dinner. It’ll be with the upper set — that is, if by chance the lower set gets back from his orthodontist in time.

Only in DC and New York and America, kids, only in DC and New York and America.

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