RIP Richard Lewis

Richard Lewis perfected the comic persona of the anguished, petulant neurotic to the point where he seemed like a classmate or a close family member (“Curb your tears,” March 3).

The brilliance of the boy with hardscrabble roots in Brooklyn always shone through the angst. Not to mention that he cut quite an attractive figure in his all-black attire, an attribute Lewis was probably too humble or self-doubting to acknowledge.

RIP, Richard. With misty eyes, we are missing you already.

Susan Silver, Manhattan

Squatters’ rights

The solution to the squatters in Queens is simple: The owners should sue both the realtor and their attorney (“Defense of Qns. manse lingerer,” March 3).

The realtor is responsible for presenting an accurate status of the property and its inhabitants, if any. The attorney did not preside over conveying a clear title to the property and should never have closed if unauthorized people were still in the house. The Landas have those remedies at their disposal. The squatters’ rights laws — admittedly absurd — are another matter.

Gary Layton, Interlaken, NJ

Willis vs. Trump

What’s the difference between former President Donald Trump and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (“Fani Willis’ Crushed Credibility,” Editorial, March 1)?

It’s that, unlike Trump, Willis is in no position to whine about her sufferings and supposed persecution.

She brought on her problems all by herself.

She made her bed, and now she must lie in it.

J.J. Crovatto, Ramsey, NJ

St. Patty’s parade

It is a shame that after all these years, we still cannot get unbiased coverage of the alleged “lack of inclusion” at various St. Patrick’s Day parades (“SI out of step,” March 4).

The bigger question in my mind is: Why do LGBT people demand to march in the parade as a faction? Other than to make a political statement and to protest against the Catholic Church, why is this being forced on a parade celebrating a Catholic saint? Why do so many media outlets support it?

That’s the question that should be asked, instead of the narrative of “why is a group being excluded.”

Joseph J. Grassi, Port St. Lucie, Fla.

GOP shambles

Michael Goodwin is correct that the Republican Party needs to change, but I disagree that a “collegial GOP approach is doomed to fail” (“Nikki left GOP behind — for a reason,” March 3).

Donald Trump has coalesced a base of support, but the problem is that it is a minority of general election voters. He turns off way too many moderates and independents.

In addition, he has made his tent even smaller by announcing that any Republicans that supported Nikki Haley are “permanently barred” from his club. That is not a winning strategy.

Matthew Viola, River Vale, NJ

Secret sources

Catherine Herridge is not a cable-TV talking head or entertainment personality (“Journo held in contempt,” March 1).

Herridge’s source, whom she is refusing to name, clearly felt that there were genuine security concerns. Herridge has demonstrated integrity throughout her career and deserves full respect of her First Amendment right to protect sources, without punitive measures from the courts.

Vincent Ruggiero, Scottsdale, Ariz.

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