Robert Hur’s congressional testimony on Joe Biden


The Issue: Special Counsel Robert Hur’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

Special Counsel Robert Hur was in a difficult position during Tuesday’s hearing (“Hur gets hit with left-right combo,” March 13).

He didn’t want to appear to be on one side or the other. His decision to let President Biden off the hook from criminal charges was well-articulated.

The bottom line is that the whole country heard the obvious truth: Anyone with half a brain can see that Biden is guilty of mishandling sensitive documents.

Carl Rosenberg

Great Neck

Robert Hur’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee once again showed how far Democrats will go to sway public opinion.

They repeatedly tried to get Hur to say he had exonerated Biden regarding the mishandling classified documents. Hur maintained his report did not exonerate Biden, and that the word does not appear in the report.

The only thing missing from the proceedings was Rep. Nancy Pelosi theatrically tearing up Hur’s report.

Armand Rose

Arlington, NJ

Hur was duped by Biden’s Oscar-worthy per­formance as a forgetful elderly man. Much ado has been made of the president’s confused state of mind, pulling focus from the fact that Biden’s roughly five decades in government should have prevented him from storing classified documents.

After all, isn’t Biden supposed to be the consummate career politician? Lady Justice is crying.

Alice Daly


The Democrats’ performances were ridiculous. Rep. Jerry Nadler was his usual obnoxious self, trying desperately to make the hearing about former President Donald Trump and not Biden. Nadler even stated that Hur’s report was an exoneration.

The whole thing was a sham.

Robert DiNardo


You don’t often see people grilled by both sides of the aisle to the extent that Hur recently experienced.
While Democrats tried to exonerate Biden, Republicans went so far as to suggest that Biden faked senility to avoid being accused of lying.

To his credit, Hur was having none of it and conducted himself like a true professional.

Robert Feuerstein

Staten Island

The Issue: The widespread gang violence in Haiti following Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s resignation.

As fighting continues to rage across Haiti, Americans in-country need to be evacuated as soon as possible (“It’s hell in Haiti,” March 12).

Our government needs to send planes to help with the evacuation, including our embassy staff. Haiti has been a ticking time-bomb for many years. Now, as gunfire and bloodshed fill the streets of Port-au-Prince, reality has finally set in.

Thousands of prisoners released from Haitian jails are rampaging across the country. Should the government collapse, unrest could very easily spread to the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Cuba, raising the possibility of a wider, more damaging conflict in that region.

Russia, China, Venezuela and Iran are surely watching with intense interest as to what will happen next. President Biden needs to make sure that the safety of all Americans in Haiti is his No. 1 priority.

John Amato

Fresh Meadows

Haiti has been struggling for decades.

Asylum seekers coming to the United States deserve refuge due to the political unrest and economic collapse in Haiti. Yet they are routinely turned away at the border.

Elizabeth Beese

Palm Coast, Fla.

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