Sean Young is back in an off-Broadway renaissance


The play’s still the thing

Sean Young. Hotshot realtime ’80s movie star. Worked with Michael Douglas, Kevin Costner, Nicolas Cage. I knew her well.

She’d told me: “I’m particular about makeup. Makeup people must go up my face not down or it drags your face out. I get crazy if I’m not treated well.”

After falling off the radar, she’s now in off-B’way’s “Ode to the Wasp Woman” at the Actors Temple Theater. “It’s about four stars with tragic endings. Very clever. I did this because no mystery that actors like to work. I’ve missed New York and they got me a B&B which I love.

“I cook for myself. I don’t eat wheat. Like pasta, it’s highly processed and promotes inflammation. Tough on your body to expel its toxins. I’ll never have a sandwich. My diet’s dull. Sometimes I’m bored with it.

“I don’t know where I’ll go after this. But that’s just showbusiness, I guess. Another play I want to do is in a 900-seat theater in Arizona. So would I ever again choose showbusiness in another life? My proviso would be I’d do it again if I could learn preservation skills better.

“I got lucky. ICM signed me in ’78 and in a month I got a movie called ‘Jane Austen’ with James Ivory and Ismail Merchant and it was just boom right out of the gate.

“Maybe I’d like to direct because I’m already a little bossy . . . and I still put on my own makeup — going up. And I look pretty good for 63.”

What to watch

A LOAD of showfolk bobbles are being auctioned off. Brando’s wrist watch is suddenly up for grabbing. From 1972, worn in “Apocalypse Now,” it’s set for auction at Christie’s in Geneva. Expected to bring — ready? — $1 million maybe $2 million. He personally carved his name on the back, then gave it to his family. Currently it’s for grabs.

Francis Ford Coppola didn’t want him to wear it in the movie. Said Marlon: “I’m not doing my job as an actor if they’re looking at my watch.” Now everyone’s looking at it.

Merry little crowd

MORE oldies are creeping back. Remember Lamb Chop? Not the meal, the puppet. That was Shari Lewis and her sock with a smile — Lamb Chop. Now comes a doc about “Shari & Lamb Chop.” The puppet’s film unspools Saturday at Village East by Angelika. Starts 6:30. Bring a baked potato.

A real stand-up guy

FAMOUS folks are into immortality. A book, a doc, their name on a toilet wall. Britney, Prince Hairy Harry, Jada Pinkett Smith, etc. Now Ben Stiller, Rob Reiner, Chris Rock, Sharon Stone, Conan O’Brien rave in movie “Albert Brooks: Defending His Life.” Judd Apatow: “I’ve written down everything this comedian said.” Letterman: “I’d rather have his career than my career.”

Now booking it

MONDAY at Michael’s it’s former CNN hotshot Brian Stelter’s book party. Host: NY1’s wife Jamie. The book’s title: “Network of Lies.” Pub date Tuesday . . . ABC News is now prepping a Barbara Walters doc . . . Others grab a few quid hustling tchotchkes. Kardashian sells drawers, Gwyneth pushes goop. But not Hunter Biden — and that’s because his product only comes in one size.

TODAY’S medical system? Four out of five doctors now recommend another doctor.

Mostly only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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