Shouting out the men and women of integrity who stood up for freedom in 2023


In the spirit of Christmas cheer, here is a shout out to some of the men and women of integrity who stood up this year to advance the cause of freedom with honor.

When the world gets back on its moral axis again, as I am certain it will, they will be feted by history as the heroes who saved us from ruin:

  • IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler whose principled opposition to the DOJ coverup of Biden corruption has come at great personal cost, but already has changed the course of history — as long as legislators follow up on their revelations. They are role models to every honest public servant, as is evident from the private outpouring of gratitude and praise they have received from former colleagues. Congressmen James Comer, Jason Smith and Jim Jordan get an honorable mention for holding the president accountable despite nasty oppo research attacks and obstruction from some within their own party.
  • FBI whistleblowers Steve Friend, Kyle Seraphin, Garrett O’Boyle, Marcus Allen, and nameless colleagues still serving. Without them we would not know about all sorts of FBI malfeasance, such as the targeting of traditional Catholics and parents at school board meetings, “cooking the books” on domestic terrorism cases, or the coverup of Biden corruption.
  • Missouri Attorney-General turned-US Senator Eric Schmitt, his successor Andrew Bailey, and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (now governor-elect), who launched the landmark free speech case, Missouri v Biden, that exposed how the federal government has been pressuring social media companies to censor Americans who hold dissident views on everything from the efficacy of masks and lockdowns to the Ukraine war and true stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop. It’s heading for the Supreme Court, but it has put a crimp in the plans of government censors ahead of next year’s election. A special shoutout to lawyer Jenin Younes, who represented plaintiffs in the case.
  • Elon Musk. The quirky billionaire might not be your cup of tea, but his purchase of Twitter (now X) saved free speech on the last mainstream social media platform in the world. He said recently he would rather “go to prison” that let the censors back in.
  • Riley Gaines and Chloe Cole and those who stood up against a vicious transgender ideology that drives the erasure of women and the genital mutilation of children.
  • Drs Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and their Great Barrington Declaration compatriots who opposed lockdowns and mandates and all the fake statistics and lies about COVID-19. They have been vindicated a thousand times over, and their courageous common sense saved lives.
  • Independent journalists (formerly lefties) Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Bari Weiss and others who have seen the light – or stood their ground – and now use their gifts for good.
  • Our police and military who continue to put their lives on the line to protect us, in spite of obstacles from crazed ideologues.
  • Last but not least, the good and sensible American people who do not lose heart but trust that this great country has embedded in its DNA the ability to overcome adversity, as it has done before.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten somebody so let me know who.

Keep the faith!

Happy Christmas and see you in the new year.

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