The St. Croix Avis (1844-2024) – Repeating Islands


Many thanks to Michael Connors for bringing this news to our attention. Dr. Connors writes that the “St. Croix Avis (St. Croix’s only newspaper) is shutting down after 180 years.”

Below is a transcription of the closure announcement, a farewell letter by Rena Brodhurst:




Dear beloved and incredible people of St. Croix, beyond and to all your amazing ancestors who have read us over the last 180 years. What an incredible journey we have had together, learning, growing, rejoicing, and crying together. We have had a fantastic time discovering, developing, and triumphing as a community. The road we traveled together has been monumental.

I give thanks to the Moravian Church that insisted the enslaved learn to read, write, and comprehend. The St. Croix Avis would never have been possible without that concept of ensuring a literate Black population. That was an extraordinary gift.

Today, I must sadly inform you that The St. Croix Avis will soon come to an end. In today’s environment, The Avis cannot compete against free social media and free mass emailing of the newspaper we produce. That is an impossible mission we are unable to fulfill. It has been my privilege to provide you with community news of the day and entertain you along the way. Before me, Canute A. Brodhurst, Sr. sat at the helm from 1940 to 1980. His objective was to be a champion for “the people’s right to know.” He did it brilliantly. Since his departure, we have done our best to live up to that goal. The Avis will shortly cease printing our daily newspaper once we exhaust our final shipment of newsprint. That will happen soon. I am convinced that you are the most literate people in the western hemisphere; without that high literacy rate, The Avis would have gone long ago. Thank you for all your support and I love you all and wish much goodness going forward.

With love,

Rena Brodhurst

For more news, see–croix-avis-newspaper-to-cease-publication-after-180-years

Also see

[Shown above: Farewell letter by Rena Brodhurst; photo by Michael Connors. Second photo: The St. Croix Avis building in La Grande Princesse, St. Croix USVI, by V.I. CONSORTIUM/ERNICE GILBERT.]

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