US abstains in UN resolution on Gaza-Israel ceasefire


The Issue: The US failing to veto a UN Security Council resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.

The Biden administration’s abstention from the United Nations Security Council ceasefire vote is just another stab in the back for Israel (“Leave them there?” March 26).

Not only does this action embolden our enemies and Israel’s enemies, but it sends a message to all our allies that the United States is not dependable.

From the withdrawal from Afghanistan to tolerating terrorist attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and now effectively turning our back on a critical ally, this administration continually demonstrates its incompetence and callous disregard for our nation’s leadership role in the world.

Peter W. Kelly

Hazlet, NJ

Fortunately, outside of virtue signaling, the United Nations has little ability to enact its policies.

It seems that every resolution proposed there begins with the words “Israel” and “ceasefire.”
To me, everything begins and ends with the return of the hostages. Why is it up to Israel to make peace? Israel never asked for any of this.

If the globalists at the United Nations truly wanted humane answers to difficult questions, then their Midtown headquarters would be turned into a migrant shelter.

John Memoli

Falls Church, Va.

President Biden assured the American people that he was committed to bringing back Americans who remained in Afghanistan after our withdrawal. With all Biden’s bluster, the Taliban still holds Americans hostage.

Now with American hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza since Oct. 7, our president has once again turned his back — not only on those he took an oath to protect and defend — but also on one of our strongest allies, Israel.

Joseph Paino


What began as unconditional support for Israel and its efforts to eliminate Hamas has morphed into outright hostility.

For weeks the Biden administration’s support for Israel has been waning. Condemnation of settlements, rebuking a ground invasion of Rafah and the continued promotion of a two-state solution all signal an election campaign that panders to Muslim and leftist constituents in key states.

Yakov Moshe


The Issue: Former President Donald Trump selling Bibles to fund his presidential campaign.

If the “God Bless America” Bible is successful, I hope the publishers consider a “God Bless Humanity” Bible, which could be marketed internationally (“Trump’s art of the zeal: $60 USA Bible,” March 27).

I assume that God’s wish to bless humanity is just as great as his wish to bless America.

I am a bit concerned that the book’s website notes that this is the only Bible endorsed by former President Donald Trump. His endorsement would carry more weight with me if I knew he could read Hebrew or Greek, but I presume he has consulted experts.

It does seem a bit unfair that he has endorsed only the Protestant King James Version.
Trump should consider endorsing a Catholic version. I wonder — as I imagine the church’s clergymen do as well — what sort of process is required to get Trump’s imprimatur on a Catholic edition of the Bible.

Bruce Couchman

Ottawa, Canada

As this shameless huckster outrageously attempts to profit from the sale of Bibles, he tells us that we need to “Make America Pray Again.”

Trump can rest easy. We were already praying en masse: praying that he will go away.

Oren Spiegler

Peters Township, Pa.

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