West Virginia girls stand up against trans sports madness — they’re braver than the president


The trans sport madness continues, steamrolling even little kids in its path. 

Consider the five West Virginia middle-school girls who rightly objected to the inclusion of trans girl Becky Pepper-Jackson — i.e., a biological boy, with all the attendant strength advantages — in a track and field competition.

The girls refused to shotput against Pepper-Jackson, and were punished for that quiet protest by being barred from future meets.

They didn’t shout or scream or hurl slurs; they exercised a totally non-threatening, totally nonviolent form of protest at what they — again, correctly — see as an injustice. 

West Virginia transgender middle schooler Becky Pepper-Jackson won a shot put event in April that was protested by five classmates.
West Virginia transgender middle schooler Becky Pepper-Jackson won a shot put event in April that was protested by five classmates. American Civil Liberties Union

And because they dared to modestly and silently object to woke madness, the state came down like a hammer. It’s Orwellian. 

We’re happy to say that state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has filed suit against the county ed board responsible for the travesty, and we wish the kids all the luck in the world in their quest for justice. 

Mind you, West Virginia law forbids letting biological boys compete against girls; only a woke federal judge’s intervention let Pepper-Jackson steamroll the female competition in the first place. 

Yet the county board still tried to abuse its power to make teen girls pay for their principled stand, all the better to ram gender extremism down the public’s throat. 

The insanity’s not confined to West Virginia. 

Consider the recent case of Aayden Gallagher, a trans female — again, that’s a biological male — runner in Oregon who sparked outrage when a video surfaced of her easily leaving her biologically female competitors in the dust. 

Or Maine’s Soren Stark-Chessa, who placed fourth in the girl’s high-school running division in October after coming in a dismal 172nd when competing against other boys. 

Or Alicia Paans, a grad student now competing on the University of Michigan women’s water polo team in the 2024 Women’s National Collegiate Club Championship for the second year in a row. (And, yes, the Wolverines won the tournament in 2023.)

It’s happening in other countries too, with an Aussie soccer team fielding no less than five trans women players romping all over the competition in a recent tournament for the second straight year. 

Now, to every rational person, these outcomes are no surprise. 

Men are bigger, faster and stronger than women. 

That’s the whole reason women’s and girls’ divisions exist in the first place. 

For confirmation, look no further than Serena Williams, likely the GOAT of woman’s tennis. 

She got beaten by a 203rd-ranked male player — German has-been Karsten Braasch — in 1998, as did her sister. 

The demand to ignore simple biological facts in the name of “gender justice” insults women in all disciplines, not just sports. 

So stand with the brave girls of West Virginia — and everywhere else. 

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