What is behind Wu’s ‘people of color’ Christmas party


A fundamental belief I have is no matter your race, we have more in common than we have different.

Yet the most powerful progressives in our government believe those minor differences are enough to keep us constantly separated.

Progressives reduce black people like me to colorful beings who must always be wary of those who lack pigmentation, and to remain emotionally safe and appropriately seen, we must congregate only amongst ourselves: No “people without color” allowed.

This is the mentality of these illiberal actors in government, including Boston’s mayor, Michelle Wu.

Wu this week defended holding an “elected officials of color only” holiday party after accidentally sending invites to white lawmakers only to rescind them shortly after. 

“We had individual conversations with everyone, so people understand that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field,” Wu told reporters. 

FILE — Boston Mayor Michelle Wu speaks during a Democratic election night party, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, in Boston. On Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023, Wu is to deliver a State of the City address. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File)
Mayor of Boston, Michelle Wu, came under fire when it was revealed that she was hosted an “elected officials of color only” holiday party. AP

“I’ve been a part of a group that gathers, representing elected officials of color across all different levels of government in Massachusetts,” she added. “A group that has been in place for more than a decade, and the opportunity to create a space for people to celebrate and rotate who hosts.”

Wu believes the primary issue is that an email was sent out in error rather than her using her position in government to conduct an exclusionary holiday event under the guise of celebrating diversity while being funded by tax dollars.

Progressives like Wu preach inclusion while purposefully excluding people, and promote diversity while encouraging their separation.

Despite what Wu says, the real reason they want their own Christmas party has nothing to do with “creating a space” for people of color to celebrate the holiday season.

The truth is that it’s another way for them to celebrate themselves by pretending they’re special for being a minority in government.

Minority progressives don’t want equality, they want special treatment, and they always want one more than whatever the people without color get: including one more Christmas party.

Progressivism promotes carrying not just a victim complex for minority believers but an additional inferiority complex.

They have an insatiable appetite for being treated like delicate flowers that will wither away if you don’t constantly water them with adulation.

This mindset of believing minorities are fragile creatures who deserve special attention is the type of rationalization for progressives to institute minority-only segregated classrooms in Evanston Township High School and separate graduation ceremonies.

They’ll mask their social insecurity with claims of striving for equity in any given arena, like government and education, but the end goal is not to remain on the same playing field as everyone else: They want the game rigged for their benefit.

When regular people think about Christmas, they imagine how they can bring people together despite their differences, how they can express their love for one another through gift-giving and embodying Christ by sacrificing for people who may be less fortunate than ourselves.

It’s hard for people who aren’t progressive ideologues to understand how even Christmas, a holiday that encourages solidarity, requires a taxpayer-funded unique space to give thanks for their blessings.

But that’s the problem: These people aren’t thankful, they’re insufferably entitled.

Adam B. Coleman is the author of “Black Victim to Black Victor” and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing. Follow him on Substack: adambcoleman.substack.com.

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