Why do stars Billie Eilish and Mark Ruffalo support lynching Jews?


The Hollywood left loves a good, old-fashioned Jew-lynching: Just ask Mark Ruffalo, Billie Eilish and Ava DuVernay.

All those boldface names were among the stars sporting “bloody hand of resistance” pins at the Oscars.

The pins show a raised, red open palm and are marketed under the ultra-chic “Artists for Cease-Fire” label.

But that symbol derives from an actual photo of a bloody hand:

Celebrities like Mark Ruffalo and Billie Eilish wore “Artists for Cease-Fire” pins to the Oscars.
Celebrities like Mark Ruffalo and Billie Eilish wore “Artists for Cease-Fire” pins to the Oscars. AFP via Getty Images

Back in 2000, two Jewish IDF reservists mistakenly drove through Ramallah and were detained by Palestinian police — and then brutally murdered in their jail cell by a crowd of savage, blood-hungry thugs, one of whom showed his bloodied hand in a now-infamous photo. 

That is, like so much of American “advocacy” for Palestinians, the pins are a wink-wink, nudge-nudge endorsement of violent terror against Jews. 

It’s no coincidence that these stars are hard leftoids: Institutional antisemitism is now part of the American left’s core DNA.  

Ruffalo is an empty-brained Sanders fanatic, despite being a millionaire many times over himself: Hulk smaash (the heads of innocent Jews)!

Ava DuVernay made a splash peddling race-hucksterist conspiracy theory, which big studios helpfully laundered into respectability.

For the mind behind the morally specious documentary “13th” to come out in support of lynchings? 

No notes, as they say in Tinseltown. 

Musical superstar Billie Eilish may be just a kid, sure — but that excuse wouldn’t fly if she’d been caught amplifying crypto-Nazi symbols, and it shouldn’t fly here. 

And that goes for every Hollywood nitwit who can’t find Gaza on a map but put the pin on because their friend/spouse/total-stranger-they-follow-Instagram told them to. 

We have to ask: What’s next for the moral pioneers of American arts?

Maybe a nocturnal window-shattering spree directed against venerable LA Jewish delis Langer’s and Canter’s — a “night of broken glass,” as it were, and all for Palestine?

Whatever ugliness our moral superiors on the red carpet devise, we’re sure it will be just as obscene.

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