Why this Democratic Nikki Haley backer is endorsing Trump for president


It’s time for America to come together and make Donald Trump the next president of the United States.

I was one of those who doubted he could pull off a second presidential victory and backed Nikki Haley.

I was wrong — Trump is ready to be president again, and the country needs him.

Indicted 91 times by biased prosecutors out to stop him, Trump has engineered a great comeback.

He proved himself right — he is the one candidate who can overcome the left-wing machine that’s taken over our politics and our institutions.

Democrats scream Donald Trump is a threat to democracy while doing everything they can to block voters from even being able to see him, let alone vote for him.

These same Democrats keep yelling “Nothing to see here!” about Biden kin systematically using the family name to collect $20 million or more from the world’s shadiest interests.

Nikki Haley has a distinguished record as a governor and appealed to independent voters and Democrats but never really found a compelling message to energize the broader Republican Party.

She says she’s a good conservative Republican, but she’s failed to endorse Trump despite taking a pledge to support the GOP winner.

It’s time she encourage her voters to get behind Trump as the one candidate who can put America First and actively campaign for him. Winning Vermont and DC is not enough.

The Republican primary process did exactly what democracy is supposed to do.

A diverse set of candidates offered themselves up to the people, campaigned hard and debated the issues. The voters sorted out, one after one, who they think should serve as president.

Gov. Ron DeSantis started out with every advantage, from a big gubernatorial victory in his state to well over $100 million in funding.

Month after month, his support shrank, and Trump’s grew.

No candidate could generate the former president’s appeal and enthusiasm.

The campaign Trump ran was smart and disciplined.

He stayed away from the raucous debates but was out on the campaign trail and available for interviews and town halls.

He had a message for America — it’s time to get back to the policies that generated a great economy, a secure border and a safer world.

America is careening out of control with a president literally asleep at the switch and letting our enemies gain ground in every region of the world.

The deficit is growing by trillions of dollars; as many as 10 million people entered after crossing the border illegally over the last three years; and Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine are all under siege to one degree or another.

Left-wing administration and court appointees are taking the country in crazy cultural directions that turn everyone into oppressors and victims, spreading division and hate and teaching it to our children.

Antisemitism has become commonplace as Democrats coddle the left-wing Squad out of fear of losing votes.

The lawfare being run against Trump is despicable.

Unproven legal theories are being driven through the courts; the only thing they have in common is prosecutors and attorneys general who hate Donald Trump.

An unprecedented judgment has been rendered against Trump in New York for not defrauding a single bank and paying back every loan one ever advanced him.

Trump has been indicted over Jan. 6 when his only public effort was to give a speech in which he told people to protest peacefully.

No connection whatsoever to violent actors has been proved or even suggested.

All this is after Democrats spent years pursuing him and his family with a hoax-driven probe trying to prove he was a Russian agent, which was preposterous but dominated the media.

They’ve even attempted to knock Trump off the ballot in multiple states — the Supreme Court had to intervene in a 9-0 decision to try to restore balance to our political system, which is being manipulated to deprive voters of the former president and candidate leading in almost all the polls.

Voters know what you get with Trump and Biden — they have seen them both up close.

And most believe Trump was a better president and made them better off.

I was an early supporter and backer of Trump over the years after what I saw him do in New York.

He built great buildings and even restored an abandoned ice-skating rink — already he was doing things no one thought possible.

As president he destroyed ISIS in months, eliminated dangerous Iranian terrorist leaders and held North Korea and Russia at bay.

Trump has proved he deserves to finish his presidency with four more years.

He is the overwhelming choice of Republican primary voters after a fair and open process.

It is time for not just Republicans but the rest of America to get behind Trump and defeat the well-funded lawfare and propaganda machine of the left-wing fanatics who would give us yet another four years of misery.

Andrew Stein, a Democrat, served as New York City Council president, 1986-94.

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